Thursday, April 30, 2020

Things to do

So our lives have changed.  Things we thought were important have taken a backseat to staying home and safe from infection.  Activities we enjoy have been cancelled, entire sports seasons gone, churches closed.  Seeing friends is not happening.  We have lived this with the kids for a few weeks now.  We are ok.  We are not a  family that allows the b word.  Nobody would ever say they are bored to me - because I have lists.  They all know better!  And honestly, we are all ok.  Nothing really bad has happened to us as they asked us all to stay home.  We have, on occasion, done some things as a result that I would have never done though.  I let my kids make all sorts of concoctions, and I broke one of my own long standing life rules.  I do not like to wait more than 30 minutes on places to eat.  If a restaurant has a line, we go elsewhere.  I have, on more than one occasion, made Jim really sad because I hate to wait.  He has his heart set on eating someplace and I will refuse to sit around waiting to be seated.  Enter pandemic.  Rules broken, kids craving their lives back.  Carbondale brought in the Kona Ice truck.  You all know my kids love this kind of stuff.  Snow cones at the county fair, slushes from Sonic, frozen sodas from Casey's....absolutely crazy for it.  They asked if we could go over.  I caved.  When we got there, the line was already long.  We honestly don't have anything better to do than wait, which is how, this week I broke my own longstanding rule and stood in line for an hour to get shaved ice.  Yes, a whole hour.  In. The.  Rain.  We had been there 30 minutes when it started to rain.  We stayed there anyway.  For shaved ice.  It was worth it though.  Landrie was also in line, so Quincy got to see her bestie, which made her super happy.  Everyone got their shaved ice and it felt wonderful to be out, among (socially distant) other people, and have a little slice of normal.  

We also slipped to the pet store and got some Plecos - which are cleaning fish.  Our tank was incredibly disgusting.  I was telling the kids they would be amazed at how fast these fish work to clean the tank.  They didn't believe me.  It is truly amazing, within 24 hours the glass is completely clear of the algae that was growing.  They have migrated to the rocks, and things are looking so much better.  I forgot how much I enjoyed having fish.  Once the stay home orders are lifted, I promised the kids we can go and they can pick out some that they like.  I can't wait!

Speaking of fish, Quincy and Preston think that we need to fish daily.  I guess the good news is that if things get hard, we can eat fish.  (probably not though).  

We are hearing that the governor is not extending the stay home orders that expire next week, but will be leaving it to the individual counties on how to re-open the economy.  I am happy to think things are progressing, but I believe until we see what happens, and how fast the virus spreads, we will still be laying low, and not going far from home.  Seems like we should go slow, see how things go, and try to stay safe still.  

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