Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hangin with my peeps

I pick up the school lunches every day.  Yesterday, the kids didn't like  the lunch, so I got out a  package of hotdogs.  I came into the living room to see Quincy sharing her hot dog with 2 cats and a parrot.  I am fairly confident that she is immune to any and all diseases.  

After lunch, Mallory showed up.  She wanted to do an online experiment with her kids, but needed a little help with video and wanted to have someone to share the experience with.  They made elephant toothpaste, Saige ran the camera, and the kids all played in the soapy mess it created.  I think anything that gets them to play in soap is a good idea!  

We used our "trump" check - which by the way is our money - and it irritates me that he thinks otherwise, to have our septic tank sucked out.  We have lived in our "new" house exactly 6 years now.  It is still my dream house, still my dream property, still my happy place in a world of craziness.  Jim and I both feel exceptionally blessed to be living our dream.

This is our barn cat Sticker Paws.  She was absolutely huge.  Looked like she was an inflated balloon.  She had 2 kittens.  Yes 2.  I swear I thought she would have 10 the way she looked.  She is an excellent mouse cat and a pretty good momma cat.  I hope these survive.  I had my semi-annual conversation with the kids about leaving the barn cats alone so the kittens will be wild.  Wild cats do so much better at survival in the country.  Saige told me she was only touching them once a day.  Uhhhhh that is NOT how it works.  These kittens are named Penny and Fineapple.  Our record on kitten survival is extremely low.  

I told the kids these cookies were for "teacher appreciation day" so basically they are all for me.  Preston told me he doesn't enjoy my sense of humor at all.  
I enrolled Preston and Quincy in classes for high school next year.  I am having a hard time with the idea that Quincy is going to be a freshman.  She has grown up too fast.  She won the battle on not taking band next year.  She is taking a culinary class and woodshop instead.  Maybe between her and Preston both taking woodshop, I will get my farm house table finished!  :)  

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