Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Little Projects

This weekend, I opened the refrigerator and realized I had an abundance of milk.  When Madison and her family moved out, I didn't adjust my milk buying, and we are definitely not drinking as much as we were!  I also pick up the school lunches, since the program is dependent on numbers to keep going, and we don't want Madison to lose her job, we go every day.  Each lunch comes with 2 milks (one for lunch and one for tomorrow's breakfast).  My kids don't drink them, and although Jim does, he cannot keep up with drinking 8 milks a day!  Enter my brilliant idea of needing to make ice cream.  Unfortunately, I didn't have an ice cream machine.  What do I have though?  A friend who recently opened a close out store in Carbondale.  I told Jim I was texting April, and if she had a machine I was buying it.  He shrugged....I think he doubts my resourcefulness.  April had one machine.  I broke the stay at home orders, and got it!  I am pretty sure this counts as an essential item right?  The kids and I made ice cream, but I forgot how long it takes, and so we were eating ice cream really late at night.  I foresee this being something fun to play around with all summer long!  :)  

Grandma sent me the recipe for cloud dough.  It called for cornstarch and hair conditioner.  Of course, if there is a mess to make, the girls are on it!   I doubted that this recipe would work, but I was wrong.  It is incredibly messy though, so I don't think we will do it ever again!  It was a fun way to pass a couple of hours though.  

The stay home orders have disrupted our lives, and the kids have been sad about some of their stuff getting cancelled.  They have cancelled 4-H camp for this summer, and they were devastated.  There have been several sad moments as they look at the calendar at stuff they would be doing, and it isn't happening.  I know Harper was looking forward to her field trip to the one room school house.  One positive thing I have seen though, is that my kids are doing a lot of stuff together.  I often find them playing cards, board games, and watching videos together,  The giggles and chatter warm my heart and make me faithful that no matter what happens, they love each other and have each other's backs. 
Friday evening, Madison and Andrew invited the girls over to spend the night.  As we have all been together anyway, I didn't see any problem with this.  Andrew took Quincy fishing, and they caught a lot of fish.  They all decorated brownies and dyed Easter eggs with Evie.  I think it was a good break for the girls, and it was fun for everyone.  While they were gone, Preston and I surprised Quincy by painting her bedroom.  She hated the dark blue that Colin picked out when we moved in.  We painted it a nice shade of light gray.  I thought she would be really happy, but she was not immediately happy with it.  She said she was shocked, and wasn't sure if she liked the color or not.  Since then, she has put her stuff back in place, and hung some pictures up and she told me she actually really likes it now.  I am glad, because although I was willing to repaint it, I didn't really want to!  

Keeping busy is keeping us sane during this pandemic.  I hope and pray they figure out how to get us back to normal very soon though!

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