Friday, March 18, 2022

Spring break

We have had a nice, relaxing, not much going on break from school/bus driving.  I was planning to take a short afternoon trip to Manhattan to visit Cameron and maybe pick up some cheese curds at Alma on the way by.  Cameron was on his way to see Lauren in KC, so he said he would stop by instead.  He spent a couple of hours with us, playing basketball and enjoying the sunshine.  He even brought home cheese curds.  He is a good boy!  :)   I enjoyed catching up with him!  The kids enjoyed seeing him as well.  Lauren's birthday is on St. Patrick's day.  I hope she had a fun day!  

For about a month, I have had a couple bags of clothes to donate in my car.  I finally remembered to stop and drop them off, and then Harper decided to clean out her closet.  Oh well, at least her room is more usable now!  We have mostly been home.  Saige entertained herself by trying to take photos of her self "parachuting" for probably an hour.  As long as she is entertaining herself, I guess its all good right?  We also tried out our new vacuum sealer and sealed up 35 pounds of flour.  Yes, I may have been watching the doomsday preppers a little too much.  But honestly, it isn't something we won't use eventually, and now it has a 20 year shelf life!  :)  I have my reasons for believing there will be flour shortages in the next year.  I swear I am not going crazy.  I am immensely excited about my vacuum sealer though.  I am pretty sure that my grandma had one but it was called "Seal a Meal" and she used it for sealing up fruits and veggies to put in the freezer.  She told me that air was the enemy of fruit.  I laughed because the vacuum sealer literally says that right on the box.  I wonder where Madison got her love for kitchen gadgets?  I am also thankful for Jim who never criticizes my crazy ideas, and even ordered the jar extensions for sealing mason jars for me!  He is a good man.  My original plan was to paint the upstairs over spring break.  That did not happen.  I have picked a color though, so that is progress.  A project for summer break!  Gotta love a project.  

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