Monday, May 27, 2024

A much needed day off.


In the last 3 weeks we have 
Attended 2 concerts, ended the school year, cleaned and turned in a bus (big time consumption), been to graduations for 4 kids, hosted 2 parties at our house, attended 2 memorial services, taken a week-long vacation, opened the pool, made, filled and  planted a couple of raised bed gardens, broken the mower, dealt with adult kid car issues, started summer ball practices and games, all while balancing our jobs and still trying to do regular life.  When I say I needed a day off, I was not kidding.  My sanity was in desperate need of a day to have no schedule, no big plans, and no place to run off to.  And I selfishly took it.  We slept in.  I helped Harper with chores, moved baby goats into a bigger area, started getting ready for our broiler delivery later this week, sat around staring at the tv, then weeded the gardens, and went with Jim to get groceries (which we did pick up on to save energy). At o’dark 30 this morning, I recalled that I was supposed to pick up some rabbits on my way home yesterday, and I completely spaced it off.  I was able to get ahold of the seller, who I have dealt with before, and he was very forgiving.  My plan of picking  up 2 little does somehow managed to turn into 5 new rabbits - I bought 4 little does and the guy threw in a free buck from a previous litter. Jim was a very good sport, helped me carry the new babies, and smiled as we drove away with “Harper’s” new buck on my lap.   I think he has somehow become used to my insanity.  Or maybe Jim’s sister was right this weekend when she said maybe he likes this insane life.  

And insane seems to be the rule of the land.  I went down to work on the potted flowers and because I was doing things the lazy way today, I drove the car.  Blitz jumped in.  She loves riding in the car, so when I was done with the flowers, I took her for a long car ride.  She was so happy. She’s a good dog.  I think she has missed us being around lately!  

We are still moving dirt.  I am still creating projects despite having plenty to do.  But I am so excited that the strawberries I planted are growing.  I haven’t ever been successful with them before, so I am cautiously optimistic that I might get a few berries and have a patch I can pick from for years to come!  Maybe!   

The 4 new little does.   They are mini Rex babies.  Three broken and one black. Seem like good quality and the girls and I are in complete love with the sweetness overload!!   These will be the girl's rabbits for competing in showmanship this summer, and they will show them as well.  They have some older rabbits as well, but they are grouchy!  

This little buck is not show quality.  He is a black, but has white feet, white toenails, and a white belly.  He has too much black fur to be a broken, and no patterning.  He will be fine to breed though. He has a good body type and very nice fur quality. And he is amazingly sweet and calm.  He may not be our primary buck, but he is a good addition!  I am glad to have some new blood for our barn.  

Madison sent me this sweet picture of Evie feeding the goldfish at her grandma’s new house.  I thought it was just adorable.  
Of course, as all days off go, this one went too fast.  I am thankful for it though, as the break was exactly what I needed to reset my mind and gear up for the upcoming week.  The next time we have a day off will probably be in July.   I wish I was kidding!   

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