Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Last days first games

Mallory and Saige finish their school years out today.  Mallory was having some sort of weird day with her kids - water balloon fighting (so she can have a reason to throw things at the ones who annoy her) and letting them pie her in the face.  I tell you, they do anything to pass time the last couple weeks of school!  

Evelyn had her last day of preschool yesterday.  She is more than ready for kindergarten.  She cannot wait!  The rest of us are here scratching our heads wondering how she got so big!  She is probably going to give the teachers a run for their money.  I am here for it!  

Saige finishes 6th grade today.  Off to junior high.  Last week, she was awarded student of the month.  She is a good student, and although she seems to attract drama, I have spent this year shuttling her class on my shuttle bus, and I can see that drama might be warranted.  Her class is a little rough.  She had a much better year I think than the previous year.  She has grown a lot, learned a lot, and is excited about summer break.  

Evelyn had her first softball game last night.  She is playing coach pitch at Carbondale.  She is most excited to be on the pink team "like Saige" - I haven't had the heart to tell her that Saige's team is red and blue this year!  She played really well, considering they had a lot of their practices rained out.  She paid attention, ran after the ball, and was very close on her batting.  She also got concession stand money from Poppy!  

Wrenley also got some concessions - she latched onto my pickle, and I love how she puckers!  haha!  I have a similar photo of Evie eating a big pickle at about the same age.  I feel a crafty project coming on.  

It was a fun game, but long, as they went into an extra inning.  On our way out the door, I mentioned to Jim that I meant to grab jackets, but was too lazy to run back inside.  I wish I had brought a jacket!  It was chilly!  I was happy to get in the car and turn on the heat!  Jim and I ran to Topeka for a few things after the game.  It made for a late night, and an early morning.  I am excited that this is the last day of extremely early morning bus routes!  A little summer break - we all need it! 
Welcome summer! 


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