Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Swampy day


Today we lost our tour guides, as Cameron and Lauren’s life in Baton Rouge drew to a close. They planned to leave early, with Colin helping them drive their U-Haul truck back to Kansas.   They were packed and out the door early, and then got detained at the rental car place.  Cameron sent me this picture of Colin “waiting” for them to straighten it out, proving once again that some of us can sleep anywhere 

The vacation crew drove over to Lafayette and took a Cajun swamp tour.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I am not exaggerating when I say my inner nerd was extremely happy!  The guide was extremely knowledgeable.  He had a cool accent.  He knew a lot about the swamp, the bayou and the river systems. He was funny too.  We saw tons of animals including some that I never would have seen without him pointing them out.  

 I had the best time on this tour!  It did get a tiny bit warm out there, and we definitely didn’t prepare with hats or umbrellas like we should have, but it was still awesome!   
We came back to then air bnb to cool down and eat dinner. Wrenley loves ice cream sandwiches! 

Our house is only a couple blocks from the Mississippi River so we decided to go over and look at the river before bed.  It is beautiful here.  Mosquitos made it not quite as enjoyable as it could be, but still pretty!

Side note- our house is also close to this open air type market called Po Folks fruits and vegetables.  I have been itching to stop because I thought it meant I could get cheap fruits for breakfast.   Turns out po folks doesn’t mean poor people should shop there- guess it’s more of a brand name.  I don’t feel like po folks can afford their food!  Live and learn.  I did buy a couple of things but it was most definitely not cheap, or bulk.  I will say the stuff I bought was good.  

If you look close there are ospreys nesting in the top of the tree.  The guide whistles at them and they would poke their little heads over the edge of the nest!  It was cute and funny! 
I think we are all having fun on this trip, except for Saige who seems to be having motion sickness and stomach issues.  Hopefully she will be feeling better so that the return trip isn’t miserable.   

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