Monday, May 13, 2024

Mothers day


The girls were excited to spend Mother's Day at Gage park!  I was happy to hear that the train was running, as the last time it was shut down, and Evelyn was devastated!  :)  
My Mother's Day was spent working at the Liquor store.  The way they run the scheduling up there, is that you look it over, and sign up on the calendar for whatever days you want to work.  Between graduations, preparations for parties, hosting parties, and leaving on vacation (for another graduation), I did not have many days free for working.  I decided it would be ok to give away a few hours on Mother's Day.  In all honesty, all I really wanted for Mother's Day was a day of peace and quiet.  My little side gig job is pretty easy, and as long as the stocking is done, you are allowed to sit and read or do whatever.  I expected it to be slow, and I had downloaded a couple of books on my phone.  It was busy, but that just makes the time go faster!  It was, by far, not the worst day ever!  Plus I got to see most of my kids on Saturday, and have plans to see the other 2 later this week, so that always makes me happy.  Oh, and Jim didn't forget the chocolate....good man.

After the graduation party, we had our "Sunday dinner" even though it was Saturday.  We ordered pizza, and the girls helped me clean up.  Andrew and Jim went fishing.  When it got dark, Mallory forced me to run down the road because you were supposed to be able to see the northern lights.  They were apparently visible in photographs, but not the naked eye,  and I saw several very amazing photos from Friday night.  Saturday night, the sky was not vividly colorful, but the photos still look pretty cool I think!

Last week, I decided it was time to get the pool going.  I filled it with water, got the skimmer parts put back in place, and plugged it in.  Nothing happened.  I remembered there is a breaker on the pole you have to flip.  After I flipped it, I plugged it in, and nothing happened.  I got to looking at it, and noticed the wiring had been sliced.  I was sad to say the least, but also glad that I had not added any chemicals in the water yet!  I send off a text to Colin asking him if he might be able to help me on Saturday, and he said he would throw in a bucket of electrician supplies.  He and Preston (and Spencer) managed to get it put back together, and the filter is working now!  He warned me that it might be a temporary fix, but it worked well enough to get the chemicals in the water, and start stirring things around.  As you can see, we still have a little ways to go before we will be swimming!  Last year, we covered the pool for the winter.  When I noticed that the cover was filled with water and seemed to be dragging and pulling on the walls, Jim and I decided to uncover it, and the water was crystal clear!  Unfortunately, we have had several inches of rain, and some debris from the top of the cover fell in the water, and now we have a little bit of algae growth.  It is pretty easily fixable, and I will have it cleared up in no time!  Or at least in time for opening day!  I might need another bag of shock though!  

As we were driving to mass yesterday, I noticed these cute little goslings in the neighbor's yard!  They are Canada geese.  There is just nothing cuter to me than little baby ducks, geese, chickens etc.  Saige took this photo!  I hope they hang around so we can watch them grow!  
While I was at work, Quincy went to lunch with Jo.  They happened to see a wheelchair out in someone's trash, and grabbed it!  When she got home, she was telling me she always wanted to learn to pop wheelies and ride a wheelchair down some big hills/do tricks on one.  That is weird, but whatever.  The wheelchair was broken.  It did not unfold, and the seat was in pretty severe rough shape.  Into the garage she disappeared.  I heard her out there banging around for a very long time.  And then she appeared.....riding through the house on a homemade wooden seat, trying her best to pop wheelies and spinning and giggling like a maniac.  She even conned Harper into riding around and the two of them were laughing and zipping all around the house.  Jim and I just looked at each other and I told him at least I know when we get older, if we need a wheelchair, we know it will fit through the doorways?   Gotta look for the bright spots right? Having children brings a lot of things into your life.  We have met a lot of people we would never have known, and spent a lot of time sitting in a lot of gyms and random other places with them.  We have a lot of things like broken mowers, broken wheelchairs, and a shopping cart in our possession because of them.  We also have a lot of broken things in general because of them.  I have never had a clean sink in the last 28 years because of them.  I have the tow truck man's phone number in my phone because of them.  I have first-hand knowledge that the Heimlich maneuver works because of them.  I know all the rules to every sport, and where to get the best prices on sporting goods because of them.  I know how to get stains out of most fabrics, how to retrieve items out of tiny spaces, not to throw away random torn pieces of paper, and how to take apart the sinks because of them.  I know everything there is to know about chaos, craziness, bravery, and patience because of them.  But most of all, I know what it is to love unconditionally, and to be loved unconditionally in return.  I am so blessed to have these crazy kids who call me mom.  

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