Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ohhh may-o


This weekend did its finest work to brutalize me, but didn’t succeed!  I worked a day shift at the liquor store, got off work, helped Jim with a small project, and had about 28 minutes to grab Harper and head over to help set up for her 8th grade class party.  I then chaperoned her class party, where I played the role of “mean mall cop mom.”   You know, the one who isn’t afraid to tell 8th graders that they cannot hang from the basketball goals, climb on the tops of the folded up bleachers, or turn the lights clear off.   Not on my watch.  Since I have no idea how I was conned into the chaperoning, I wasn’t about to let them break stuff, get hurt, or make babies.   And I have raised enough kids to know that 14 year olds are capable of all of the above.   Although in hindsight, I guess if I don’t want to be asked to chaperone in the future……
Sometimes I do life all wrong!  

Harper did not want to go.  I did, in fact, force her attendance.  Harper did not want me to take pictures.  I did it anyway.  Harper did not really want me to visit with her classmates.  Guess what?   It happened regardless.  She did tell me afterwards “I guess it wasn’t that bad….”   For my little introverted, never leave the house kid, I call that a win. 
Jim worked a crappie tournament this weekend.  He hadn't been feeling well at all last week, so I was happy he was able to go and do something that he likes doing.  He also took the girls to their softball practices so that I could spend some time getting ready for graduation next weekend.  I got the cleaning started and ordered all of the party groceries.  Quincy has graciously agreed to picking them up today, since I am helping out with running track kids around.  I am thankful that Jim took the girls, as I was a tiny bit overwhelmed by the lists I had, and am definitely feeling better about life after having marked off a few things!  Divide and conquer is our marital theme!  While they were gone, I also got the meat cooked for Saige's Cinco De Mayo party at school, and made Sunday dinner where we had to have Mexican food as well.  Although, Cinco De Mayo will always be a mixed day for me emotionally.  I love any reason to have a little Mexican food, and a good old margarita, but it is also the anniversary of my grandma's death, and a bit of a sad day for me.  My grandma is my hero.  Always will be.  She was the person who taught me that family is everything.  She was the one who taught me to celebrate obscure holidays.  She was the one who taught me that it doesn't matter how old you are, you get a cake with candles for your birthday.  She was the one who taught me that just because you love someone and they are cute, you don't have to let them win (she was strangely competitive for a person who was always fairly mellow). She found happiness in simple things.  She was also the one who consistently and constantly wanted nothing more in life than to have her kids and grandkids at her house, eating meals and loving each other.  If I can live my life in a similar way, I know I will always have a good life.  

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