Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Finale day

He was only pretending. I swear!  

These photos are all out of order, but are probably self explanatory enough even if I don’t explain them.  Today we went to the Magnolia Mound plantation, the riverfront, and the capital building. We discussed going over to Biloxi to the aquarium and ocean, but decided to skip it since we will be leaving tomorrow and didn’t want 2 days in a row of car travels.  

I enjoyed the plantation tour, but found it interesting how they sort of painted a cheery picture of slavery.  As if slave quarters were amazing and had all sorts of amenities.   I’d guess i have just never toured a place like it in the south, and probably shouldn’t be that surprised by it.  

The riverfront is fun, but there were graduations going in the River Center and it was pretty crowded as a result.  We still got to see the river and walk around, and see the greater port of Baton Rouge. I still like seeing the river, although I am not super excited by crossing the bridges, or by the wreck that occurred to backup traffic causing us to be pretty slow in crossing the bridge!   I am still amazed by the traffic here, and am positive that I wouldn’t like living here.  

We all really enjoyed the capital.  We all went out on the 27th floor observation tower.  I don’t like heights much, but I think I actually have more of a fear of falling than a fear of heights.  I was fine on the tower because I never felt in fear of falling.  It made for some cool photos!   I also took a picture of the bullet hole left from the assassination of Huey Long.  I will be looking up more information because I don’t really know the history here.  We learned a lot today, and saw a lot too.  I enjoyed it and I appreciate my husband and travel companions for indulging the nerdiness again today.  

We finished off the day with both snowcones and Italian ice from Jeremiah’s….because a promise is a promise and we were lit of time!  

Tomorrow we leave to head home   I am ready to go, always ready to go home   I’m not much of a traveler   I like seeing the sights and experiencing new places, but I am happy with where I am planted.   It is sad the vacation is over, and weird how quickly it went by!   I am more than ready to settle in to summer!  

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