Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Saige’s choir concert


Saige had her (rescheduled twice) choir concert last night.  The district has a newish junior high/high school choir director.  This will maybe sound mean, but it is nice to go to a choir concert and be able to tell that the choir director is trying.  I could tell she had worked with the kids to sing their parts, to stay on key etc.  I would even go so far as to say they sounded pretty good.  It has been a long time since I could honesty say that.  It makes me happy.  Saige likes the choir teacher, and she likes being in choir.  
It goes without saying that I am an old choir nerd myself, so a little singing and choir time is always fun. 

My dirt was finally delivered.  Jim has 2 of the 4 raised beds ready for me.  I managed to get the first box filled and planted 25 strawberry plants!  I am now working on filling the second box, but after having been at the choir concert, it got dark faster than I could throw the dirt!  My original plan of blackberry plants did not pan out, so now I am going to use the second box for a salsa garden.  Blackberries will have to be tried again in the fall.  Or next spring.  I am excited about it!  

Stuff is getting real.  Graduation announcement in the paper.  I teased Quincy - telling her it was nice to see her in the paper, and not in the police report section!  :)  She is in the process of picking dorms and roommates for next year, and working on sorting out college stuff.  She is more than ready for Saturday!  Now if I can just get my list completed, I will be ready for the graduation too.  (But not ready for another one to leave my little nest.)  Perpetual weirdness over the gosh I am so proud of you and can't wait to see what you do with your life, and sad that childhood is so short!  

Which is why I am thankful for grandkids.  I might not have any little birdies in my nest, but I have a couple little birdies that occasionally throw a few toys around my house, and leave their sippy cups behind, to lessen the sadness, and remind me that life is always changing, and that things work out!

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