Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Harper’s premiere

Harper’s team had their first games last night.   It was a double header against another team from Carbondale.  Harper has been playing on this  same team for several years now.  They have been “The Electric Tunafiah” I was amused last night to find that they had matured into the Barracudas!   Harper likes playing softball, and it makes me happy to watch her.  

She had a great night.  Got on base each time up, and had one heck of a monster hit!  

She also played second, short, and right and left field.  It was a good night and they won both games.  

See the umpire?  It is cousin Alex!  He did a good job too! 

And here is her really good slide in to beat the tag - not the best photography, but it was a good play! 


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