Thursday, May 2, 2024

Need some Thursday randomness?

If you are looking for a bunch of thrown together random stuff, this is a great place for you!  I got some photos from Cameron - of him taking Lauren to some art display or something.  She didn't want me to post the pictures of her because she said she looked like Ferb from Nickelodeon.  I tried to tell her that dinosaurs make all things look good.  She consented to my posting this one.  :)  I think they are trying to enjoy their last couple of weeks in Baton Rouge, but also finish projects, finals, work and look for a job for Cameron.  They don't seem too stressed out, but maybe I am reading it wrong.  I can't wait to see them in a few days!  I also cannot believe we are sitting in May now!  Seriously, what is happening?  There are 7 1/2 days of school left.  Quincy has 8 days until her graduation (and 7 for Harper).  There are 14 days until we leave for Cameron and Lauren's graduation.  I filled out my calendar and started my to-do lists this morning. When I got done with my list making, I felt dizzy and a little bit crazy.  

Last night, I got this photo from Lauren.   Cameron was named GA of the year!  I am so proud of him!  Good job Cameron!  

Also last night, we had visitors who materialized out of nowhere!  Preston and Sunny stopped by.  Preston helped me hook up my pool filter, and then they went off to dinner with an old friend of Preston's who is home for a few days from the military.  It was a short visit, and they were still sleeping when I left on the bus this morning, but I was happy to see them!  Of course, pool filter being back together means I need to get the pool up and running.  AKA more work for me.  But this is good work, enjoyable stuff that I love, so I am happy about it.

And with this week's weather, I won't even have to fill the pool with my rural water!  Tuesday, Jim and Saige both stayed home with some sort of sinus issues.  I finished the bus route and came in to them both being out of medicines, and I needed to run in to grab my paycheck.  I had heard on the bus radio that there were tornadoes around, and that the weather service had issued a tornado watch for most of this end of the state.  I ran to town as fast as I could.  As I was leaving town, I saw these weird looking clouds.  I texted a photo to Mallory, who told me what kind they are, and that there were tornadoes and that I should be in my basement, not looking at the sky.  haha!  I got home, started cooking dinner, and my door busts open, and in flies Mallory and her dogs.  She decided she didn't want to sit in her basement alone, so she came to our house.  I am fine with this, but we are literally living on the dividing line between counties, and there was a tornado warning for Shawnee county.  I jokingly told her she just took herself and put it int the path of the storm!  She hung out with us for a few hours.  We watched as the storms moved and were not far from our area, but we only got funny looking clouds, a huge amount of very heavy rain, and a little bit of weird colored sky!  They were saying 80 mile per hour winds at Richland, but we never had that.  I am glad we dodged that bullet!  I still have not been able to get my dirt delivery though, because mud.  More mud, and even more mud! 

A long time ago, Cameron and Lauren dressed up as Scooby Doo with some of their friends for Halloween.  I love these costumes!  Which is why when they sent their graduation photos last week, the one of them looking around this column made me laugh.  Looks like another Scooby doo theme emerging?  

This weekend is the official weekend to panic clean, I have to work, we have all sorts of places to run to, and I am guessing that the next time I get an actual weekend to relax it will be June! 


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