Monday, October 14, 2024

Birthday wishes

Well today is my birthday.  Let’s leave numbers out of it shall we?  I started out my day with an email from the school saying a threat had been made towards Saige’s building at Carbondale and that the police were investigating.  This makes me mad.  And sad.  I knew about it last night because social media literally makes it where kids are never “off” from what’s going on, and Saige had told me what was going on before the school responded.  Saige also knew the police had been notified, so we assumed they would handle it.  If I had one wish, it would be for a better world for my kids and grandkids to grow up in.  Seriously, I just want them to go to school and not worry that someone is going to harm them.  Or to have time with their family on a day that we set aside for fun things, to not end on a note of anxiety and fear.  There was no school today, and I am glad because it gave time for the investigation while the kids were not in the building,   Tonight the response is that there was no real threat, and that they will increase police presence at the school.  If there is no threat, why do we need increased policing?   Seems weird.  I just want my kids safe.  And I know there are answers to these questions, but the people in charge would have to take action, and the parents are going to have to do a better job of raising their kids, and we all need better access to mental health care.  And the schools need more resources.  But all of these things will have to work together and that is a big, big wish.  It’s sort of pathetic. 

And because I want to go to bed in a little bit, I’m going to change the topic because I just can’t get worked up and still sleep!  Aside from the aforementioned issue, I had a good day.  I got some inspections done at work. I got to see and/or talk to all of my kids.  I got some nice gifts.  Jim helped me get the rabbit cages up and things in the barn done so we can be ready for baby rabbits later this week.  I got my strawberry plants fertilized and covered for the winter (freeze warning for tonight).  Jim bought pizza for dinner so we didn’t have to cook.  I feel very lucky to be living this life.  

Life is overwhelmingly good.  Family is amazing.  Hope is a happy girl! 


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