Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday funbag

Aaahhh my favorite!  Sunday!  We went to mass, ran a few errands and then came home to start the smoker because I found ribs on sale this weekend!  Nothing like a beautiful day, some house cleaning, smoker and a football game going in the background.  
Except the day wasn’t quite perfect due to Jim being sick.  I’m thinking he may have the junk Saige has had, or perhaps he caught something new.  Either way, he was supposed to go early fishing with Andrew and a friend, but ended up cancelling and crawling back in bed.  I did grab him some meds while I was running errands, and I did make him some soup.  I’m sure he will be ok in a day or 2, but for today, misery.  And sadness over missing his fishing trip.  I warned the kids who had planned to come for Sunday dinner, and they decided that since we were all together yesterday, they were already exposed.   Jim mostly slept in bed, so he wasn’t really around them today anyway.  Hoping nobody else gets sick.  Here I come with my bleach spray again. 

I’m glad the kids went ahead and came over.  It is always fun to spend time with them.  Cameron and Lauren were in Lawrence at Shaake’s, with Lauren’s cousins.  When they were done, Lauren went back to spend time with her family who was visiting from out of town, and Cameron came and spent the afternoon here with us.   I enjoyed getting caught up with him.  I also liked the pictures.  So cute!  Always love Shaake’s!  

Although using a wheel barrel is cheating - Cameron you know the rules.  You can get any pumpkins you want, but you have to carry them!  Kids today- always breaking the rules!  

Colin texted me.  He was in Hungry Mother national park.  I had never heard of this, although it does look amazing and beautiful.  I had to search for it on the map.  I asked why they were having to rebuild lines so far inland- was it from flooding?  He said no heavy winds had knocked a bunch of trees over and tore down lines. He seemed to think when they are done there they would be headed back home.
Tomorrow I start back driving the bus.  I am not sad to return - bus para duty has not been my favorite thing.  I practiced driving Friday and again today. I am thankful for my mom risking her life to make sure I was ready (just kidding - it was completely fine).  
Since Jim is sick, and the girls have been riding with me to town they haven’t really been riding the bus to school- but will have to tomorrow.  Last year, Quincy drove them to the end of the driveway and waited for the bus.  I decided to teach Harper to drive the spare car down the driveway so they don’t have to wait outside in the dark.  Let’s just say she did just fine, but I believe she will be opting to walk.  She will be doing a few more practice runs but in the daylight!   ;)
And just like that- weekend is over.  Back to reality I guess.  


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