Thursday, October 10, 2024

the business of living

Time is flying by this week.  I think throwing away the sling and returning to normal life has helped my mood, and definitely gotten me back on a schedule.  My shoulder is stiff, and occasionally, I find myself reaching for something or trying to do something and am not able to accomplish it, but overall, much improved.  I will go back for a re-check and start physical therapy next week, although I have decided this will be done on my terms.  I am out of vacation time at work, I am out of patience for medical stuff, and although I am a huge believer in the power of PT, I just think the best way is to jump back into life and use the darn thing.  Ask Jim how I do things if you want a break down.   (Love you Jim).  

Also, it is impossible to be in a bad mood when this little nugget entertains your life.  She escapes through the dog door!  Little skunk!  Luckily, their back yard is fenced in....although I would guess she would have zero issues scaling the fence if she really wanted to.  She makes my days happy.  

Last night, I had a township board meeting.  I pulled over twice to take photos because the sunset was just amazing.  The pictures somehow don't do justice to it.  I have a weird fascination with the sky, and a desire to take photos all the time.  I thank my mother, who supported my "photography" start, (but also limited me due to the cost of developing film).  My mother was a huge believer in allowing us to try things.  If we wanted to try to be a photographer, she bought a camera.  Wanted to learn about fish?  We buy an aquarium.  And I will tell you, I wanted to try a lot of things.  I still do.  Luckily, Jim is (mostly) supportive of my insanity, and I appreciate them both- because I have led a life where I have been allowed to explore all sorts of hobbies, career choices, and basic hoarding of random useless knowledge on a variety of topics.  We have tried to extend this to our children as well.  Currently, Harper is slowly learning to drive.  She is worried about taking the written test, because she has heard all the horror stories.  Heck, she has been held captive at the DMV half of her life!  She has been studying, with her goal being to take the written portion of the test over winter break.  We are purchasing a car for her from Quincy (Ethel).  This week, as I went back to driving the bus, I told her it would be ok if she drove the car to the end of our driveway, parked it and then drive it back at the end of the day.  She went with me, practiced driving and turning around.  Yesterday, she stayed home sick, but decided to meet the bus and give Saige a ride after school.  Now, when i showed her how to drive, I had her turn around in the yard, but somehow she decided to turn around in the road.  She backed into the ditch.  I didn't take photos because she was pretty upset.  Jim had city council, so we didn't want to bother him.  I tried to tow it out, but failed.  Luckily, our neighbor saw what we were doing, and he was able to push it out.  I am thankful for our neighbors, the Moon's.  They moved here a few years ago, and they really are amazing neighbors, and friends.  Harper was not hurt, the car was not hurt, and we have definitely all been there!  :)  

While I was waiting for the neighbor to bring supplies over, I took a picture of these morning glories I just planted a couple weeks ago.  They are already growing up the rock wall (which was what I hoped they would do).  I just love them!  

And also, my roses have started blooming.  I hope they live through the winter, or I will be very sad!  They are the perfect shade of pink, and brighten the area up so nicely!

Madison sent me this "how to be a good friend" paper that Evie did at school.  I had to text all of my friends and apologize, because I have never kicked any crocodiles.  I didn't realize I was such a bad friend! 

And speaking of friends, this is my new friend.  Also known as Hope fell victim to a viral video, and just couldn't stop thinking about all the amazing ways I could use it!  Yes, sometimes my brain works like that.  So far, I have cleaned my stove, which did NOT work like the video, my dining room door, which did NOT work like the video, my bathtub, which actually worked quite well, but was incredibly time consuming, and the love seat, which worked well.  I give it a sold B.  How long will this phase last?  Nobody knows.  But I figure, it was cheap! And am I actually hurting anyone?  My hobbies could be so much worse! 


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