Saturday, October 5, 2024

What the …..


Have you ever looked forward to the weekend, not because you knew it wasn’t going to be busy, but because it would be something different to do?   That’s how I was going into this weekend.  
Last night, Jim and I were going to get supplies for a barn project, goat and chicken food, and people groceries.  When I got home from bus para duty, I made a list, cleaned out the refrigerator and downloaded my coupons.  And then sat down and promptly fell sound asleep in the chair.  When Jim got home he seemed beat too, and so rather than get our errands done, we watched tv and procrastinated.  Mallory came by.   We visited with her.  And then we went right back to tv watching.  We knew it wasn’t going to help our Saturday,  but sometimes ya just need to veg out!  We made plans to go on Saturday morning, and be home in plenty of time to then go to Ottawa for a fundraiser for Harper.  
I heard a little from Colin.  I believe he is still in Virginia.  He is in the mountains and was happy that Appalachia power gave them a side by side to get up and down the mountains.  He said he got to watch them setting lines with a helicopter and cutting trees from a helicopter.  I’m not sure how much longer he will be there, but it sounds like he is seeing a lot and learning a lot.  

Jim and I got to town a little later than we planned.  We got our errands done, including a stop at tractor supply where I squealed with delight at seeing there Halloween decor on sale!   I told Jim I wanted one of the posable skeletons.  He smiled and said we should get 2 and put them in compromising positions.  I said one is enough!  The neighbors will complain.  Into the cart it went.  About that time an employee pointed out the dog costumes.  Jim looked at me, and asked if it was ok if we got Carlos’ Halloween costume - I promise you this was completely Jim.   Let me tell you, Carlos is gonna look GOOD on Halloween!  

Harper had another CWF fundraiser this evening.  She and I worked a concession stand at the Ottawa Fairboard's demolition derby.  I don't think it was as busy as it has been in the past, but I was ok with that, as my arm doesn't work quite as well as it has in the past!  :)  

My cousin had her wedding reception tonight.  Madison made the cupcakes for it.  It looks like Wrenley had fun playing outside with Papa Larry!  Since Harper and I were working, we didn't get to go to the party, nor to our neighbor kid's wedding.  

We almost didn't make it to the concession stand either!  Jim and I got real, real lucky today.  We were headed home from town.  He was driving along, luckily not at a real fast speed, when we had what we thought was a blow out.  Turns out the lag bolts had all come undone, and the lug nuts were all missing off of his tire!  I don't know how the wheel didn't completely fly off the truck, but it didn't, and Jim was able to get pulled off the road.  It could have been really, really bad.  
We called Andrew, who had the girls with him and was just leaving Topeka.  He agreed to come help Jim repair the truck.  We also called Mallory, who drove over and picked me (and our groceries) up from off the side of the road.  Jim and Andrew headed back to town for parts, and they did get the truck repaired and home safely!  I am thankful for family support!

The good part?  We got to see the grandkids for a little bit!  Evie named the skeleton "Skully" and she absolutely loves him!  Wrenley kept putting her hands in his mouth!

I am so thankful tonight.  That we weren't hurt, for Andrew's mechanical skills, for adult children who are willing to jump in and help out, and for the weekend, where even though it is insane, at least it is a different kind of insane than on week days!

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