Saturday, April 24, 2010

Its my blog and I will rant if I want to

This is my new dining room set that I bought at a friend's garage sale this weekend....notice that it is already sufficiently covered in 'stuff' - after spending the past 3 days setting up and running a garage sale for the 4-Hers I think we will try to clean tomorrow!

I officially have worked my last garage sale - ever! Kudos to those of you out there who are patient enough to put together, run, clean up, sort, price, and then haul off your 'things' but to me, really folks, I am more of a thrower-away, give away, or donate to Goodwill sort of a girl. Yes, the 4-Hers did make some money to go toward their camp expenses...however when I figure what I lost in time at work, what I spent on concessions because we spent 2 days straight there in the concession stand, and the fact that another garage sale had a table and chairs that I fell in love with and bought, I am in the hole I think! And there are other issues for me as well....this particular sale we asked for donations - and donations we got. Used underwear? REALLY? Old shoes? HUH? Holey old sweats? UUGGHHH! And they still want to charge for these things. And then there is the issue of cost - why in the world would you buy clothes at a garage sale for the same price you can get things on clearance? Is it the thrill of the find? Is it that you see old classmates when you are out there looking at the city wide garage sales? Is it that I am ultra cheap? Is it that I enjoy going into a store where things are sorted by price and size and I don't have to dig or look at all? EXPLAIN IT TO ME! Suffice it to say I learned a lesson and am complete on this part of the journey!!!!

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