Saturday, April 10, 2010

track meets and fish stockers

Madison ran in her first track meet yesterday. Mallory was working hard keeping track of times for everyone there. It was a beautiful day and I think that everyone had a good time. Preston and Quincy definitely enjoyed themselves, and since the high school baseball team was practicing, Colin and Cameron were really happy with watching that between events.

Jim and the boys went today and bought some fish to stock our pond with. The boys had a great time. Quincy enjoyed seeing the fish, and immediately wanted to get her fishing pole out and try to catch some. We tried to explain that they will need some growing time first! Jim is so excited about owning a pond it isn't even funny! We have a ton of work to do out there, we need to do some major tree cutting and some fence re-building. It will be a lot of work, but a lot of fun too I think! I hadn't been out there since last fall, this hard winter really took a toll on the trees and we have a lot of clean up to do - but I forsee it as

a good way to have some campfires and family fun too!

The rest of this week has been much better than the first part was. We did purchase a washing machine yesterday, and it will be delivered on Monday morning. I suppose I can suck it up and go to the laundromat one more time so we can have clean undies for church in the morning and a towel to dry off on! This time we are buying the extended warranty - no more worries about it breaking down for a few years! I just hope that by Monday I am not buried alive in dirty clothes!

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