Sunday, April 18, 2010

working all weekend

We had one of those weekends where you meet yourself coming and going. Jim got up early Saturday morning to open the tree dump and help with the PRIDE's city wide branch clean-up. I got to be on ball practice duty, with both boys having practice in 2 locations at almost the same time. Luckily I have a friend who I grew up with who has boys the same ages as Colin and Cam (and are the pretty good friends with our boys). So I had some help with getting everyone back and forth! While I was driving Cam and his friend to their practice, my phone rang. Work crisis - landowner locked out of his pasture - and he had cows out. So I had to drop boys and fly to Auburn. I got back in time to pick up kids from ball practices and I sat all the kids down and described the desperation I was feeling at trying to get the house work caught up, lawn mowed, garden re-tilled so we can plant the tomatoes and peppers I bought on Friday, laundry caught up and whatever else. Luckily I must have sounded sad or mad enough that they all pitched in and we got all the stuff on the list accomplished in record time! I then enjoyed going to margarita night with some friends from church!

After church today we had time to burn some large trees on our land that had died and had been cut down some time ago. The kids had a really good time roasting hotdogs and marshmallows and hanging out. Preston even proclaimed that our pasture is the greatest place ever! While Jim and the kids were working like slaves cleaning up branches I attended a PTO officer meeting. I am rather proud that I will not be serving as an officer next year. I will still donate my time, and help with some committee work, but I won't have near the commitment that I have had for the past 2 years! When I got back I took the kids to build their pig fence because we are getting a delivery tomorrow! My mom then helped Mallory cut out all these flower parts for her final art project for school - mom got one of those fancy machines! The girls and mom were having a great time seeing all the stuff it could do. Unfortunately, we will be having to do all that work again because Mallory dropped her envelope with the parts in it right at the same time that Quincy dropped her bottle of water! Timing was horrific! I wish I could say that our week looked a little calmer, but it is just not going to happen!

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