Sunday, August 15, 2010

The day after feels good!

Harper turned 8 months old today! She seemed pretty happy about it! She can wave bye-bye, clap her hands, army crawl, give wet, slimy kisses, manipulate like a master, loves to eat solid foods, and wants to drink whatever anyone has! She is very popular among the natives!

After church today, I had this smug thought - I am NOT going to sit out in the heat today! I am going to work inside, do laundry, maybe watch some TV, and whatever else I can find to do in the air conditioning! It wasn't until I went to my nephew's birthday party this evening that I realized it was NOT hot today....why oh why could the weather not have been like this during the fair? The kids had a great time playing outside with their cousins and sitting outside was incredibly comfortable this evening!

And then there were 2.....and Frank seems to be really enjoying having more space, more food and more attention all to himself! Barack O'bacon has really taken off in the growth department now too (a week or so too late). The pen seems very empty and lonely!

We had a great week, the kids did a great job at the fair, we had a really fun time at my nephew's birthday party, the kids are pleased with their auction results, the extra pigs are all spoken for, the baby is getting big, but continues to be a really good baby and I feel especially blessed by it all! The coming week looks to be busy in a different kind of way. We are pretty well finished with summer activities and are moving onto the fall stuff. Colin starts football practice tomorrow (Jr High - shreek). Cameron starts football practice later this week. Preston and Quincy are both wanting to play flag football. The girls are in marching band which does a lot of football performances. Jim is helping to get the new soccer fields here in town ready for the fall season. I am taking the kids back to school shopping because whereas I am not afraid of the stores running out of supplies, I am worried that the good sales will end. The kids don't start school this year until the 31st, so we have a few more days off, but I can feel it all winding down. I am a summer lover and I am a little sad - I enjoy having the kids home, relaxed schedules, late nights at the ballpark, county fairs, ice cream evenings, and swimming!

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