Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A screamer and career day

Harper has become a screamer. I don't mean a little wimpy scream, but a full blown, bloody murder, make the neighbors come over kind of a scream. She screams for all sorts of reasons. Don't shovel her food fast enough, walk by when she thinks she needs to be carried around, take her to church and want her to sit on your lap, cat walks by, and a multitude of other reasons all get the screaming started.
Preston and Quincy decided to start a rock band. Preston was on keyboard, Quincy on guitar, and I would have had no problem with this, except that these hard core rockers decided that they should hold their jam session on top of my freezer!

Harper loves kitchen utensils! Cam is convinced she will be a great chef someday!
He is already planning out ways that the two of them can utilize all grilled foods together with delightfully sugar-y dishes!

All afternoon, Quincy kept telling me that when Colin got home from football practice he was taking her fishing. He walked in the door, and sure enough he said "we still going fishing tonight Quincy?" They had a pretty good time catching all sorts of bluegill until I drug them home since it is a school night for Quincy!

1 comment:

  1. Hope,
    i had so much fun catching up with your family and summer. It's been nuts here so I was a little behind. YOur kiddos are growing so quickly and looks like they have tons of fun! One of these days when I am back that way, we need to get together!
    THanks for praying for our little man- he's having a rough time and this bug is really nasty. Hopefully lab work gets back soon so we are figure what medication it is going to take!
