Friday, August 27, 2010

science, football and dances

Way back at the beginning of summer, I made a promise to Cameron. He had somehow missed out on a trip to Science City with his class at school, so I PROMISED that before summer was over, I would take him. Suddenly, I realized that summer is almost over, and then found out that Science City is not open on Monday. It was today or never!

I like Science City, but I really think it is better for younger kids, Preston and Quincy had a ton of fun today! For Colin and Cam, the high-light was either the sky bike (riding a bike on a tight-wire) or perhaps the water table. They were not overly impressed with the rest! It was a pretty fun day overall though! And they had to read some stuff, try some stuff, and think about some stuff, so it was a good activity to get their minds going before they start school next week!

Tonight was the annual blue/white scrimmage at the high school. Colin's jr. high team played and then during halftime of the high school game, the 5th grade team (Cam) got to play. It was a pretty fun evening! The girls were then forced, against their will, to attend the high school's welcome back dance. (I was the forcer). I figure it is a good way to meet some people and get out a little bit before school starts. It was reported to me "that is 2 hours of their lives that they can never get back." I don't buy it - they had fun!
Now I am hoping to go to bed, because science, driving in KC, loads of football watching, and staying up late to drive kids home from school dances makes me tired. However, I seem to have accumulated a house load of 'extra' kiddos, so if the giggling, singing, wrestling and eating slow to a dull roar, I might get sleep!

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