Saturday, August 7, 2010

Long week wrapped up!

Preston and Quincy finished Bible School. They had a great time! They came home with these little blindfolds - because Jesus healed the blind. After they walked into about a zillion walls and made me wildly nervous around the stairs - we had a long conversation about what healed means. I am also proud that Mallory and Madison are now finished with all of their community service. They got in a lot of hours between Bible school and the library and they finished their last couple of hours this morning at the fairground clean up! Now all they have to do is type up a report about it!

On Friday we went to the Douglas county fair to watch my nephew show his steer. He did a great job, and his steer made me very hungry! I noticed that Colin was doing a bit of judging from the sidelines and I started paying attention to his "reasons" - it was only then that I noticed that he was not placing cattle, but their owners - and not the boy owners - only the girls were 'winning' his classes - based on how hot he thought they were. I am pretty sure that he won't be getting any calls for the 4-H judging team!
A while back I mentioned that Cam brought home a grill (from the neighbor's trash). Since that time he has taken a real interest in grilling. Last weekend he cooked up some really awesome steaks. Today, he helped cook all the hotdogs for the party that the rec commission hosted. The party was for all the kids in Overbrook who had played summer ball, or been on the swim team. He had a marvelous time! Secretly, I wish I had thought to get him interested in grilling sooner - would have saved me tons of hours in the heat!
Tomorrow is an exciting day for Preston, as he has FINALLY been invited somewhere! And invited to not one birthday party, but 2 of them on the same day! He took an eternity picking out just the right stuff and could hardly contain himself this evening! Luckily the parties were at different times so he could go to both! I understand that it is hard to be the younger brother - everyone gets to go places, and do stuff, but you are forever getting left out! I am glad he is getting to go! I really have tried to explain to him that when the older kids were his age they didn't go a lot of places either - he was just not around then! Preston has also discovered a new show on tv (it has been really, really hot - being outside is miserable!). The show is called Silent Library. If I was one to make public confessions, I would mention here that it is not just Preston who is addicted to this show - the whole family gets a kick out of it. Preston just happened to be the one who discovered it. He kept telling me about his new favorite show for a couple of days until I finally sat down to watch it. I assumed a show called Silent Library would be a reading show - probably aimed at little kids. WOW! That would be a bad assumption. The show is far from a kids show, but it is not bad for kids either....well sort of not bad. If you get a chance to watch it, you should - just once - because I bet you will laugh - at least if you are a little backward and weird like we are!

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