Saturday, September 18, 2010

Baby Relay

Today we had a baby shower for my new nephew who is expected to be born in mid-October. We can't wait to get our hands on this little guy - we are looking forward to baby snuggling and we have a world of 'paybacks' on loud, obnoxious toys to buy!
We were supposed to go from the shower to Relay for Life - where the kids 4-H club had a team. When we got home, however 2 things happened. First, there were tornadoes a little north of here. Mallory does not like severe weather, and did not want to go to an outdoor event. Second, Colin had spent the night with a friend last night and had never returned. He was supposed to call and let us know what they were doing and where he would be, but he didn't, and my calls to his cell phone and their phone were unanswered. Rather than risk bad weather, and not knowing what time Colin would be home, we decided that Jim would take Cam and Madison and the rest of us would stay home. Madison was elated because she has been looking for some (any) excuse to drive Mary Ann, and this was a lot further than she has driven her before! Jim was happy to go in such a 'cool ride.' I was thrilled because this meant that I could go into work for a little while to finish some stuff....and I was really not looking forward to sitting outside with Harper all evening in the first place. Some days things just click into places that you never meant for them to, and it is a good thing.
Jim promised to take some photos. Cam was a little bit disappointed because he loves to walk all night, and they are not spending the night this year, only walking until midnight and then coming home. Staying was just not possible as the girls have to catch a ride to Benedictine College at 7 in the morning for a confirmation retreat, and Cam is the altar boy at mass. I don't want him falling asleep in front of everyone! Next year, perhaps!
Colin did return. They went to the Washburn football game. He did text me about an hour after Jim left and said "oh yeah mom I forgot..." at least I knew where he was! Actually, the dad had talked to Jim this morning, so we had an idea but we still have some work to do in the communication department!

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