Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tales of Woe

Sickness has turned our household upside down today. Yesterday, everyone seemed fine. Cameron was supposed to serve as an acolyte this morning at mass, but when he got up he had "the dreaded headache and sore throat" that plagued Colin last week. Colin agreed to serve for him, but as we were getting ready to go, Quincy started complaining that her head hurt too, and she said she wanted to sleep. This is totally out of character for her, so I let her stay home with Jim. The girls left early for a confirmation retreat at Benedictine College in Atchison this morning. When I picked them up tonight I knew right away that Mallory was not feeling well. She looked terrible. She also has a headache and sore throat...and Madison reported that she had a headache too. They were both in bed by 7:30 this evening. I did manage to squeek out a few details of the retreat, and it sounded like it was a really good one! They learned a lot, went to confession, got letters that were very moving from their parents and their teacher and said they feel ready to be confirmed.

Jim has already volunteered to stay home in the morning with the sickies, he wasn't feeling very good this afternoon either. This is good since it is end of the quarter report time and I have not started yet (although not good that Jim is sick too)! The other good news is that since we already took Colin to the doctor and it was just a virus, we don't have to waste another trip to town! I WILL be going to the store to stock up on Lysol which I will be spraying all over every surface in this house - including the kids!
Since everyone was feeling crummy, I had an afternoon with relative quiet and I managed to get the HUGE basket of socks that haunts my house folded! I spend a lot of my time wondering how it is that we have so many socks without mates? Is there a sock bandit? Is there a ghost in my house who gets his thrills from hiding socks? HOW can we have 87 socks which have no mates - and WHY do we keep buying colored/decorated socks? If they were all white then we wouldn't have to think about mating them in the first place! For that matter, lets just outlaw socks altogether - everyone wear flip flops all year long....or why doesn't someone invent shoes with the socks built in? Of course, you still have the issue of not being able to find your shoes -- another curse of ours!

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