Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Week of School and First Jr High Football game

As I started downloading photos, I noticed this. Apparently, while I was at my library board meeting last night, the kids made a new friend! When asked why he was in a plastic sack on the kitchen table, I was told that they just looked at him for a little while and then let him go! They thought about putting him in a tupperware bowl, but they didn't want to make extra dishes. Such wonderfully thoughtful children!
No harm was done to the frogs in the making of this blog.
Colin had his first official jr. high football game tonight. As we left to go to the high school, I was pretty sure they would not be playing - the sky was hideous and there was some major lightening. After a couple of rain delays, they did get to play! I was on the fence on whether to stay or go home - hated to sit out in the rain with Harper, but it turned out to be a fairly nice, cool evening!

Colin (#36) had a great game. He was the defensive captain, made several awesome tackles, got to play some special teams - including the kickoff team and made his daddy very proud! (Momma too, but my knowledge is a little bit limited on what is going on...I knew he was doing good when they announced his name on the loudspeaker several times!)

First game = first win! Way to go SFT JH Chargers!
The first week of school is almost over. The kids have had a great week so far! Preston LOVES kindergarten, and seems to be adjusting to being gone all day fairly well. He has been a little bit tired, but that is to be expected.
The girls are enjoying high school so far too. They will be performing at the high school football game's half time show tomorrow night. They were really excited about marching band until
they saw the band uniforms! I am sure they will wear them well!
Cameron seems to think he got the world's nicest teacher. I hope he still feels that way in March!
Quincy has been missing the other kids! It has been a big adjustment for her too. She has been talking my legs off, and has been doing some things that she knows better than to do. Today I was exasperated with her. I said in my exasperated voice "What am I going to do with you?" She looked me straight in the eye and said "Give me away to grandma."

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