Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fishing buddy

Quincy has dubbed herself Colin's "fishing buddy." They both permanently reek of chicken liver and fish! This evening, they caught a bunch of bluegill. When I picked them up, they informed me that they would be eating these fish for dinner. I told them if they cleaned them, I would cook them. Colin did a pretty ok job of cleaning them! Not sure where he picked up this skill, perhaps from his friend whose dad likes to hunt and fish and they eat everything - including a beaver they trapped in our pond. I insisted that the fish cleaning be done outside! I did cook the fish, and never being much of a fish eater, I will admit that the tiny bite I ate didn't taste too bad! Colin and Quincy thought they were in Heaven! They kept mmmmming and telling everyone how good it tasted! I am not amused by the fish bait in my garage refrigerator, or the nasty clothes that need to be washed and never really come clean, or by the smell that seems to linger on their hands. I am thrilled, however, that they have found a common interest and that they are having so much fun! I am proud of Colin for teaching Quincy some of the skills that he learned from his dad. I am happy that Quincy has a hobby that doesn't include destroying my house, and I think it is incredibly sweet that they are spending time together!
After church today I spent a great deal of time cleaning out dresser drawers in the boy's room. They have all grown a bunch this summer and now I am starting to feel a hint of fall in the air, so it seemed necessary. I am not finished, but we got a pretty good start on it.
Jim worked on the chimney, and has found a person to loan him some scaffolding for finishing the top. I am still worried about him being up so high, but it will be a little bit safer than the shifty ladder he has been using! He also helped with getting the soccer fields ready. He has informed me that the park and rec commission is a couple of kids shy of being able to have a 3rd team. If say, Preston and Quincy were to play soccer, they could be on the same team, and it would help fill a team. Its not that I am opposed to the game of soccer itself, but more that I dislike soccer season. The games are played early on Saturday mornings - in the fall - the grass is always very wet, the air is always very chilly, and it is always early (yea, I already mentioned that, but that is the part I dislike the most!). Add this to the fact that I have not one iota of an idea of what the rules are, or what is going on, and to me it is a bit like torture. But, I said if they wanted to play, I would not say no. Preston is pretty excited. So it is looking like my ONE sport, per season, per child rule is going out the window, and Preston and Quincy will probably be playing soccer as well as flag football. Football I like - afternoon games, rules I somewhat understand, dryer, warmer game times!
I guess my days of being a soccer mom are going to start up again!

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