Saturday, March 17, 2012

Regional 4-H Club Day

Colin and Preston both danced at regional 4-H club day this morning. They have worked very hard, and all the practices paid off - they looked great! This was Preston's first year of line dancing, and he did such a great job! He was the grooviest kid there!! Colin was a little harder to get photos of, because he was in the back row.

Note to moms- if someone gives your little boy a 4-H pin to put on his shirt, help him put it on the right way! :)

I'm telling ya, Preston has some groove!! :)

UUUUMMMMM....Colin, Why are you standing flat footed while everyone else is dancing??

I am very proud of these 4-Hers.....they did a great job!!

Of course, I never said they weren't a bunch of goofballs!

With regionals over, I proclaim the end of all winter activities! Never fear though, because base/softball sign ups are this week, and Mallory has already started practices for high school softball. Madison has decided not to play this year. Madison, Jim and I are taking on a new adventure with a new job. We will be lining fields, and running the concession stand here at the ballpark this summer. Madison is going to do the bulk of the concession stand running, and Jim and I are going to help her. She needed a summer job! Mallory is going to help some too, but she had already accepted a summer job babysitting across town. She plans to pitch in when she can! This job starts the week after spring break, with high school baseball playing here in town. I figure we are at the ballpark every single night all summer long, we might as well get paid for it!! :)

I am hearing great things from the girls in New York. They seem like they are having a ton of fun. I cannot wait until they get home tomorrow, so I can see all their pictures and hear all about it! Plus, the littles really miss them. Harper has asked about her 'Mad son' every hour since she left!

Cameron is attending a beekeepers meeting today. Luckily, some friends were willing to take him! Hopefully he will not get stung because I just could not bring myself to send the other epi-pen!!

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