I like that line from the Finding Nemo movie where they say "Just keep swimming." Life has been a little bit crazy, a little bit busier than I would like, and a whole lot of random activity shoved into a couple of weeks time. My goal for 2019 is to try to savor more of these moments and enjoy where I am at in life. At the end of the day, I can honestly say I try. Sometimes when I look at the calendar though, all we can really do is just keep swimming (upstream, upside down and the water is cold!). I teach a class on Wednesday nights. I remember a time when Wednesday was sort of a protected church night. That is just not the case anymore. As a matter of fact, every week is a struggle. Luckily, Mallory really likes teaching, and is not opposed to teaching a 3rd grade RE class at the end of a day of teaching 2nd graders! She covered my class so Jim and I could go watch Quincy's choir concert. Quincy's choir sang a couple of songs by themselves, and then they sang a few songs combined with the high school Choraliers. Overall, it was an enjoyable concert. Quincy honestly loves singing and being in the choir. I foresee a lot of choir concerts in her future.
While we were gone, Preston and Andrew got the Uhaul completely unloaded. That both impressed and relieved me (it is cold outside and I hate the cold!). By the time we got home, the girls had returned from RE, had a bath, and got to hold their niece for the first time! They were absolutely giddy! I think it is safe to say, they want to keep her!
It seems like Evie and Bailey (Madison and Andrew's dog) are both settling in well. I do feel a little sorry for both of them, as they left where it was warm to come here where it is definitely NOT warm!
Cameron decided to run for student body senate. He was elected. We are very proud of this accomplishment of his! He is really enjoying college!