Wednesday, February 6, 2019

singers and stuff

Landrie and Quincy asked if they could provide a half time show at a basketball game.  They have a new assistant principal, and he is one heck of a nice guy who we all really like.  He gave them a resounding no.  But he told them they could sing the National Anthem at last night's games.  Now, I will admit that this made me a nervous wreck, because....well if you give a mic to one of our kids, you never quite know what will happen.  Luckily, my nervousness was unfounded.  I though they did a great job!  I texted the video to their choir teacher and she responded with "they sound great and are so brave, and I am proud of them....especially since they did it without farting."  So there you go.  I am not the only one who was nervous!  :)  In all seriousness, I am very proud of both of them!  Of course, they couldn't have done this on a night when Preston was playing!  

Preston's team played Monday  night.  Mallory and Jim went to watch while I took the girls to 4-H.  Mallory tried to take pictures, but she said Preston just moves too much for her!  His team won by quite a few points.  I understand that Preston had a great game!

Yesterday was the Sunflower Showdown.  Cameron stood in line for several hours in order to have a spot inside Bramlage!  He facetimed me while I was out doing chores to inform me that it was cold out!  He not only made signs, and wore his mask, but he got on ESPN, and so did one of his signs.  And the icing on the cake?  KSU beat KU by quite a few points!  It was a good game!

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