Friday, February 22, 2019

other stuff in a long week

This week has been long.  When I say long, I mean LONG.  As in, will it ever end, and can you just put me out of my misery already.  I know that part of the reason is anxiety over Jim, Madison, Andrew and Evie traveling, and moving.  Anxiety and Anxiousness.  That is what is going on around here with me.  Unfortunately, it did not stop the weather from being gross, or the kids from having activities.  Added all together and this is the longest week ever!
The kids have missed a bunch of RE due to the weather.  It seems like every storm hits on a Wednesday!  This week, we had a snow storm and school was closed, but by the afternoon, the sun was shining and the roads were clear, so they decided to not cancel class.  Harper was my only student that night.  She enjoyed doing a review of the sacraments, and some craft projects.  I enjoyed having a little time alone with her! 

Harper is fairly shy, and sometimes has a little anxiety.  We are seeing more and more of her starting to outgrow that though.  Last night, after the basketball game, Jim had a meeting.  At the meeting, a local pastor told Jim that some kids were performing a play at school today, and that Harper had a part in it.  She didn't tell us!  This morning I asked her if she wanted me to come over and watch.  That was met with a very resounding NO!  She did agree that Mallory could video it for me to watch later!  I am proud of her for doing it though - even if I am not allowed to see the performance!

As I mentioned, we had Wednesday off school.  I decided to take the day off work, and we spent the day clearing out a bedroom for Madison, and shampooing carpet.  The kids were all pretty helpful, and we got a lot done.  We have a little more to do over the weekend, but I am feeling good about it.  

We are using Cameron's old bedroom for Madison and Andrew to stay in for a few months.  When cleaning out Cameron's stuff, you just never know what you will find.  The boy had an old metal bread cabinet.  Wait....what?  Why?  I texted to see if he wanted to keep it.  He said "you can throw it away, I am done with it."  OK but WHAT were you doing with it?  Never did get a clear answer on that!  I guess it is Cameron, so you just never will know.  
The puppies have their eyes open!  They are starting to get around pretty well too!  We are having a blast playing with them and watching them grow! 

Snow day dancing.  She may or may not have done more dancing than helping with the many cleaning projects we had going on!

Saige's teacher is doing a history unit.  The first week was about the student, with a picture and story about them.  The second week is about the parents.  I had to dig deep to find a photo of Jim and I together.  Maybe we should think about taking one that is a little more current?  I think I know why my parents thought we were "babies" when we got married!  

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