Wednesday, June 19, 2019


With the girls being away at camp, I thought we would be home for a couple of evenings.  Nope.  Preston had a chance to play some basketball in a couple of games during summer league.  They usually don't let the freshmen play, so he was pretty happy about getting a couple of games in.   I have always liked the summer league games.  They play 2 halves, 16 minutes long, no foul shots, no clock stopping.  It is fast, fun ball.  There are only 7 freshmen showing up for the summer practices, so Preston had a lot of court time.  He played pretty well too!

Apparently Quincy isn't the only one of our kids who thinks basketball includes using your tackle skills!

The first game was against Osage City.  Our boys got creamed.  The second game was against Northern Heights.  My cousin Jacob is their coach, so that was fun.  Unfortunately, Preston was playing really well, but rolled an ankle and ended up sitting for the whole second half.  His ankle will probably be ok, but it is pretty tender and swollen right now.  He was sad to have to sit out.  I am having a hard time digesting Preston being involved in high school activities.  Somehow I lost about 10 years because I am certain he is only 4!

And how does one get ready for his first high school game?  By eating Ramen noodles of course.  What?  You don't open the package and snack on them like they are a granola bar?  Waiting 2 minutes on the microwave is apparently too long!
Side note - I baked a pan of brownies yesterday, and there are still some left!  The little girls would have never let that happen!  I was told by another mom that the campers had to take cover in a tornado warning yesterday, but that they were all safe.  Whereas I am happy they are safe, all I could think about was how angry Quincy will be about having her camping activities interrupted!   Here is hoping the rest of the time is tornado free!

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