Monday, June 24, 2019


The weekend plans were out of control this time.  We had 4 base/softball games, a house closing, painting, moving, Stampede, baby sitting, cat sitting, and a birthday dinner.
We managed to get all the games in except for Quincy's.  Hers got moved (we do not have time for any more bad weather).  The kid's season is quickly winding down.  It has been a crazy June, and although the kids are having fun, I am ready to think about reclaiming evenings!  This is the last week of the regular season.

Mallory bought a house.  I am amused by her.  She and I looked at the house a few weeks back.  Then made Jim go put his critical eye on it.  When Jim found only a couple of minor things wrong, then she signed the contract.  She then swore everyone to secrecy in case we would be jinxing it by talking about it. I had no fears of the deal falling through....this girl is the extreme type A personality, and had every I dotted and t crossed before she even started looking!  There were really no problems to speak of with inspections, and the prior owner has been amazing to fix the few little tiny issues that the house had.  I really believe the house is well built and should be a great little house for her to make her own!  I do have to say that this accomplishment is pretty amazing to me.  This "kid" is 23 years old.  She put herself through college, graduated Summa Cum Laude, landed herself her dream job, saved her money by living at home, paid her bills down so she would qualify for the loan, and got the loan on her own.  She has earned every single penny that went into making this happen.  I couldn't be more proud of her.

She did have grandma and I over for a little painting party!  We enjoyed adding a little color to her abode!  Andrew, grandma, grandpa and Uncle Eric helped her move her furniture in on Saturday morning.  She is far from unpacked, but mostly moved in!

She may not be unpacked, but she does have a new cat.  The girls babysat the cat, and I watched the baby while she was moving furniture!  Don't tell anyone, but we know that we drew the good cards on this day!

Andrew and Madison had Stampede tickets for Saturday night.  They bought the tickets a very long time ago, and I had promised to watch Evie.  The Stampede moving to Topeka made it easy for them to get there!  We are close enough we could even hear the music from our yard!  Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, and they ended up fleeing the storm and being home before 10.  As much as we love this little baby, she does not love us after 8:00 pm.  She likes to go to bed.  She likes her daddy to put her there.  She was not amused with the change in her routine at all!  Quincy did manage to get her to stop crying.  When they got home, she had the biggest smile and was so happy to see her dad!  Maybe someday, she will want to spend the night hanging out with Grammy and Gramps, but right now, she truly does not!  :)  

Sunday evening, we had birthday dinner for Colin.  Preston does not like lasagna, but he does get this happy look when he learns there will be garlic bread!   Jim and I got the lasagna in the oven, and then ran in to see Mallory's progress.  Things there are looking pretty good.  She did have a little bit of water in her basement, but we had 5 inches of rain, on already saturated soil.  I doubt there is a basement in our area that doesn't have some moisture in there! 

It was a really fun weekend, and I am thankful for the time with family!

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