Friday, June 7, 2019

happy places

A few days back, I blogged about how I was looking forward to relaxing days of summer.  I realize now that relaxing was the wrong way to describe summer.  But we are having fun.  It is still chaotic, but a different type of chaos than the school year!  Ball games eat our evenings, but the kids love playing.  Summer practices, weights, and summer programs eat our days, but the kids are thriving and happy, which in turn makes me happy!  The two little girls really enjoyed the bird program that the library put on for their summer reading program.  Saige and Harper have been filling some of their spare time reading books because if you log hours reading, you win prizes.  I love seeing them read for fun.  Harper accurately pointed out that reading the stuff you pick out yourself is so much better than reading assignments!  :)  

Have I mentioned lately how in love we are with this little girl?  All of us!  I read an article this week that said children who are held and snuggled with have better developed brains.  She should be a genius!  Who can resist this sweet face?  The article did not mention if children who are held and snuggled ever learn to walk!  Just kidding of course!  She is just such a blessing. 

The city pool has been somewhat of a nightmare for Jim.  They have had broken pumps, broken lights, broken skimmers, chlorine problems, and I can't even recall what all else.  They finally managed to get everything working and they opened for the summer yesterday.  I am relieved that the girls are talking to their dad again.  He had been walking in at night to "Is the pool open yet?"  instead of "hey dad" for a couple weeks!  They were definitely happy to get to get busy swimming.  I dipped my toes in the water.  No way would I get in there!  It was like a melting ice burg.  :)  

Side note - swim suit shopping with Quincy was quite an adventure.  She has outgrown the kids section.  She was completely not amused with the selection in the junior and women's departments.  I fully understand her complaints, but was pretty much hysterically laughing listening to her.  I saw several women in the store shaking their heads agreeing with her, and am fairly sure they were amused too.  WHY do they put huge boob pads in there?  Why do they cut them so your whole butt hangs out?  Why do they all have to be weird fleshy colors?  Why can they not make it where it looks like you are a stripper?  I was able to talk her into exactly one suit.  I sure hope it make it through the whole summer!  

Colin was in some sort of a dodge ball tournament at the gym where he is a member.  He needed a couple more players, so he recruited Preston and Cameron.  They won.  They got a belt, a shirt and a sign.  They were pretty pumped up about it.  Cameron made it seem like the competition was pretty tough.  Preston happened to mention to me that one team was a mother/son team where the sons were around 9 years old.  And one team might have been pregnant women.  So yes, my sons are dodge ball champions who whipped up on little kids and pregnant women.  Cameron said hey - you set foot on the floor at dodge ball, and all bets are off.  Proud parent moment.  haha!  I am happy that my kids like doing stuff together.  They might be a little more competitive than what is actually necessary, but I am calling it a parenting win! 

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