Thursday, June 13, 2019

three town night

Last night was one of the few nights all summer where we had 3 games going on in 3 different towns.  We also added in Jim's city council meeting, and so I had to call in reinforcements.  Mallory and Cameron to the rescue.  
I gave them choices of where they wanted to drive to.  Since Preston was playing a double header, I was selected to go to  Auburn.  Preston's team played great last night.  They were having a bunch of fun and it showed.  They won both games.  Preston had some monster hits, and a bunch of great plays at first.  He also had 2 amazing plays at center field.  He was given a game ball (on this team game ball means you get the water cooler dumped on you).  It was a fun night.  

Cameron chose to go to Osage City to watch Harper.  He picked this solely because he could get half price shakes after 8 at Sonic.  Upon hearing this plan, Quincy rode along with them and they used the gas money I gave Cameron to buy ice cream.  I am glad he had enough gas to get them home!  :)   
Harper is on a sort of interesting team this year.  She is happy because she gets to play with Chloe, but some of the parents on this team make me question society.  There is a lot of crazy.  I warned Cameron that he might have to use self defense in order to sit with them.  He said the game was entertaining.  Harper played all night at 3rd base and Cameron said she did a great job.  

Mallory took Saige to Appanoose.  It is not hard to get to Appanoose, but it is a hard place to give directions to.  It sits literally in the middle of nowhere, in a field, behind a school on a gravel road, miles from civilization.  Mallory had apparently never been there before and was a little worried that she was lost, but then before she could completely panic because there was zero cell phone service, she found it!  Mallory didn't tell me anything about the game, because Saige waited up for me to get home so she could literally (in vivid detail) retell every single moment.  She is really having a lot of fun.

I call this my little distraction.  She is amazing!  I absolutely love her smile!  There is nothing like coming home to someone who is so happy to see you!  Madison is getting ready to start a new job.  I know that change is hard, and sometimes scary.  I am very proud of her (and Andrew) for doing all the things that need to be done.  They are working hard!

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