Without a doubt, we look forward to the weekend every week! Even Evie knows the value of Friday! Mallory took this picture of Evie and Harper. I love it so much. Mallory, Quincy, Harper and Saige love being aunts! So much joy from such a small human!
On Friday, Quincy had her first games. Mallory has a part time job this summer working concessions at the ballpark. She and I both had to leave Friday to get to the ballpark, and we needed to leave about 20 minutes before Andrew gets home from work. Madison was on the later shift. This left Uncle Cameron to come to the rescue. He seemed super excited to babysit! He said he would watch the baby, and he was willing to stick a bottle in her mouth, but she was on her own in the diaper department! Good thing he was only watching her for 20 minutes!
Quincy's team finally got in some games. She had a double header. They got creamed both games though. Quincy (and really the whole team) had an off night. She said she just couldn't get anything to go right. I think it might have been partly exhaustion from all the other stuff she had going on last week. In the whole scheme of things, it isn't too big of a deal. There are plenty more games where that one came from! She had been missing Landrie, who was in Minnesota last week, so she was super happy to get to see her bff!
Photo credits go to Saige, who once again went to the ballpark in search of a different dinner than the one we fixed at home. Her dad was there, so of course she was able to con him out of some good stuff! We are on to her now, so this week will be harder for her! :)
Saturday we played catch up. Jim and I did the shopping, errand running, and we even made time to sit down and have lunch together. Sometimes it is good to take a moment to visit with your spouse! The man I married is a pretty amazing guy....I enjoyed having some time with him. Plus, we made the kids happy since there are now groceries in the house. Summer seems to make food disappear!
When we got back, the girls and I ran over to clean the church. I was overwhelmingly happy to see some sunshine/blue skies. We got our duties done, and had a few extra minutes before we had to pick up Preston and Quincy from work, so we also drove around checking out some of the tornado damage.
We were so focused on the blue sky, that when the storm warnings were being issued on the radio, I thought the weather people were crazy. Then I turned into the driveway where Preston and Quincy work and saw this behind me. Kansas weather is always interesting. Luckily, we did not get any rain. I am happy to see stuff drying out a little bit!
We also got some work done around our house. Andrew is helping Preston fix up a vehicle. Preston desperately needs a car of his own so that he can stop borrowing mine! They got the bumper on, and now we just have to get some tires. Andrew also helped fix Cameron's car, helped Jim with the mower, and helped Jim figure out a couple of other problems we have been having. I am thankful that Andrew doesn't mind helping us out!
Jim has been busy chopping down trees from the fence lines. We tried to burn some, but I think the humidity was too high. The fire just wouldn't stay lit. Jim likes burning stuff. He is a pyromaniac.
Colin, Cameron and Spencer went to a wedding this weekend. I love these pictures and wanted to save them. Cameron said it was a really fun wedding. Colin was down to help me with a project on Saturday, and he told me that he won't get a hair cut or shave until after his 21st birthday driver's license photo is taken. When he was down, he had on a hat. Looking at these photos, I think it is a good thing his birthday isn't far away! :) He is enjoying his internship at Westar I think. He said he is learning a lot, and said that working in the tornado damage was an eye opening, sad thing for him. I am very proud of my big boys. They are making good life choices.
It was a great weekend. I can't believe it is already over. They just never stick around as long as I would like!
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