Monday, July 22, 2019


We almost had a relaxing weekend.  We almost saw all the kids.  We almost needed to come back to work to be able to sit down!  
Que Friday - my favorite day of the week.  The idea of having a little time off work always appeals to me.  I don't know why.  I love my jobs.  Truly, I do.  But somehow, the idea I can sleep in, and spend some time getting caught up at home is always appealing.  Saturday morning, I told Jim I had a couple of projects I was absolutely going to accomplish.  Both the bathroom sink, and the kitchen sink were clogged up.  The bathroom sink had a lego man or something stuck in the drain, and I knew it would be an easy fix.  The kitchen sink - well that was going to be a stupid project and I put it off for a couple of days.  I have gotten quite good at plumbing projects, and have saved us a ton of money considering with the numbers in our family, something is always broken or clogged.  Jim said he could take care of the bathroom sink while I worked on the kitchen.  We got where they are both draining again, however I believe he had the easier job!  I actually think the clog in the kitchen sink has been there since we bought the house.  It was a nasty mess, but it is draining better than it has since we lived here!  Since I was doing gross jobs, I also completely took apart the refrigerator and cleaned it, got the ice maker working again, and did laundry.  Andrew asked if I could watch the baby for a little while.  After the way the morning went, I was absolutely thrilled to have a reason to stop doing stupid projects and just hang out with my sweet pea!  

We all adore this little girl.  She is amazing!  So sweet and happy!  

The city council decided to have business appreciation day and give out some baked goods to the businesses in town.  Jim asked if I could bake a few cookies for him.  I agreed.  Then he said he needed 10 dozen cookies, 2 cakes and 2 pans of brownies.  So we made a deal.  I would make all his baked goods, he would run my errands, get the groceries and pick up a load of guineas I wanted to buy.  I will say hands down, I got the better end of this deal.  You see, a day in the kitchen baking stuff is my happy place.  And a day where I get my errands done without leaving the house - also makes me incredibly happy!  The only bad part was making 6 dozen no bakes with the kids in the house!  (We may have sampled just a couple).  
I was proud of Jim too, as he got the stuff on my list and did not go too crazy even though he had Saige with him!  I admit when she asked to ride along, I worried a little.  You see, my Saige is the queen of junk food, and she has her daddy in her back pocket.  He did let her talk him into some ice cream, but overall, he did good not letting her sabotage my list!

Our neighbor called to say they had planted a couple rows of sweet corn in their field and they were done picking it.  I stopped after church and got enough corn for dinner.  He came out and said that they truly were just done with it, and to take however much I wanted.  Quincy and Preston went back over and brought home baskets full.  I guess we will be putting more corn in the freezer.  I hate to see stuff going to waste!  
Andrew played barbeque master, and Colin and Mallory came out for dinner.  It was nice to have some time to visit with them.  We were sorry Cameron and Spencer couldn't join us.  I love having them all in the same place.  It doesn't happen very often these days!

After dinner, Jim kept his end of the deal, and took Quincy and Harper to Yates Center to get these beautiful birds.  I had 4 guineas left last winter, but when Blitz had her puppies and was in the house, something got them.  I am guessing a raccoon.   I was truly sad.  These birds are amazing at keeping bugs and snakes out of the yard.  I have been searching all summer, but the prices have gone crazy and I just couldn't bring myself to buy them.  I found a man who had 400 of them - and was well within my price limit.  If you ask Jim about guineas, he would probably not say a whole lot, but he has noticed the increase in the tick population since ours died, and was more than willing to go get a few more.  We got 10 new half grown guineas ready to put to work in a few days.  We will keep them penned up for a few days so they learn where their "home" is.  I am excited to see them out in the yard.  I absolutely love them.  
So basically, projects got done, errands got done, and the weekend is gone.

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