Monday, July 15, 2019


I made the mistake of telling Jim I was looking forward to the weekend because we didn't have much going on.  That was just a silly thing to even think.  Madison had Friday off work, she told me that she bribed the girls into helping her clean the house by promising them a trip to Small Cakes.  They are definitely motivated by cupcakes!  They also got drinks at Sonic, but that is because Madison is too soft!  :)  Saturday, the city rented a sod cutter and Jim worked all day long cutting sod off the old grass infield at the ball park.  I know that this is probably hard for him, because he worked so hard to get the grass infield in and looking good.  The unfortunate thing is that the grass infield just doesn't allow for many kids to be able to play on that part of the park, so they decided to go back to the gravel.  I am sure that after all the work that was put in, it is hard to take it back out.  Jim hasn't said much, but I have watched the process, and I know how many man hours have been involved.  

While Jim was cutting sod, the girls and I moved forward with the great bedroom exchange.  When Mallory moved out, it caused a domino effect of children moving around into different rooms.  Preston moved quickly into Mallory's abandoned room.  It was a smaller room than the one he had, but it is closer to the WIFI.  Quincy decided she wanted to move downstairs, so she moved into Preston's room.  BUT she is a messy kid, and she only halfway moved.  Her old room looked like an explosion happened.  Saturday, she was told she had to finish cleaning her old room.  It was a process that should have taken a couple hours, but ended up taking her around 12 hours.  Harper is moving across the hall, but she wants to paint the room, and the window is broken, so we will have to get a replacement before she can move.  Projects.  All sorts of projects!

This is Harper's month to clean the church.  Usually, when we go over, I have all 3 of the younger girls and we get done pretty quickly, but with Quincy moving at snail speed to clean her room, I just took Harper.  I was amused by this because we all have our jobs that we do and typically Quincy takes the trash downstairs, and checks the bathroom.  They generally make me vacuum because they all hate it.  This week, Harper begged me to let her vacuum and I take the trash down and check the bathroom.  Not because the church basement is creepy, or haunted.  The reason was because every time we go to clean Aunt Karen is there with some crazy story of a snake that was caught in her traps she has down there.  She has caught a snake a week, and Harper was not about to go down there and see any dang old snakes!  I told her I would do the basement duties, and decided if there were snakes in the traps, I would just call Aunt Karen.  :)  St. Francis is the patron saint of animals, maybe it is a blessing?  

When we got back from cleaning the church, we realized that Boomer was having kittens.  Finally.  We were starting to actually wonder if she had a huge tumor or something.  We were taking bets on how many kittens she would have.  I was thinking 8-10!  She was so huge and miserable.  She ended up with 6 kittens.  Five of them are black and white and one is orange.  They are adorable!  We will be finding homes for them, although Saige and Andrew have already laid claim on a couple of them!

Saturday evening, we had no place to go.  I took a shower, and realized when I came out the house was very quiet.  Upon closer inspection, I realized that everyone was outside playing ball.  If we finish the season, I guess you just have to play in the yard!  I was amused that Jim was out there with them, he was actually playing umpire because they needed someone to keep it fair!

Sunday, after Mass, we had lunch with Jim's parents.  The kids spent a crazy amount of money on vending machine erasers, and we got a good laugh out of Grandpa Ken's reaction to a Chief's shirt that contained a lot of profanity.  I guess we know what not to buy him for Christmas!
We managed to get our errands done, and got to spend a little time with Colin before the 4-H pool party!  

Harper and Saige ran with Mallory to check out some chairs she wanted to buy for her classroom.  It is easier to tell if they will work if you take kids to try them out!  Somehow, they conned her into taking them to Sonic.  I sense a theme here?  

Cameron wanted us to come out to Manhattan and attend the movie night at Bill Snyder Stadium, but we already had plans.  He said it was a lot of fun.  I hope they do it again, because I think the kids would have really liked that.  I am getting a kick out of Cameron learning to cook for himself.  This weekend, he mastered hard boiled eggs!

I hope the next time I say we don't have anything to do, I am right!  

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