Wednesday, July 10, 2019

One and Doners

It is tournament week here in our part of the country.  The kids wrapping up the season always comes as a mixed bag for me.  On one hand, we have not been home in 6 weeks.  I love being home sometimes, so the ending is always welcome.  On the other hand, I love watching the kids play, and I mostly enjoy an evening at the ball park.  With 4 kids playing on 4 different teams, it has been pretty brutal on the time invested this year.  Overall, there were no tears shed on the kids all losing their first round games and being done early!  OK, maybe Jim shed a couple tears - his competitive nature just doesn't allow him to ever feel happy with a loss.  
Harper's team lost Monday evening.  Luckily, she and Preston both had their tournament in Osage City, which meant that we only had one location to go to for 2 teams.  That was good since Saige was playing at the same time in Harveyville.  She asked for Jim to take her.  I enjoyed being able to stretch my legs between fields while trying to watch Harper and Preston who were playing at the same time on 2 fields.  
Harper does a great job pitching, but she definitely is way too hard on herself.  She is her own worst critic.  I am proud of her for getting out there and working hard.

Preston's team lead the entire game.  In the last inning, things fell apart and they ended up losing by 1 run.  Preston was not real pleased, he had a lot of fun playing with this team from Carbondale.  He made some pretty good friends this summer, and of course enjoyed being with some of his old friends too.  He has a little bit of the Jim competitiveness, so he really didn't enjoy losing either.  The good news is that since they were done, he didn't have to choose between playing the next round of the baseball tournament, or getting to play summer league basketball yesterday!  

Jim took Saige to her game.  They lost as well, but they got metals for being 3rd place in the league.  Jim took pictures, but somehow when he sent them to me, they won't open.  I forgot to snag his phone and re-send them so there is this lone photo of Saige getting her medal.  Saige really enjoyed playing this summer, and was sad that her team is done.  This is the first year she has played where she really got into understanding the rules and wanting to do well.  She also really enjoys a good trip to the concession stand!  :) 

Quincy had her last game in Pomona last evening.  This was the most uncomfortable game we have had this summer as far as being hot and no breeze.  Even after the sun went down, it was hot.  I think the girls were all a little grouchy and slow because of it, and I am not sure they put in the best effort.  One thing that I did notice was that Quincy never stopped trying hard and working her rump off.  I am proud of her competitiveness, work ethic and tenacity.  She is a good player, and loves to play softball.  She does not enjoy losing, but she said she is ready for football season.  

With all 4 teams ending their season in the first round, it freed up the rest of the week, which is good because this is Jim's crazy week, and he had no more nights to help me shuttle children to ball parks.  I was a little worried that I would have to beg for rides, and guilt trip older siblings into helping.  Now we just have to work on some fair projects and maybe enjoy some pool time!  

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