Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday randomness

We started out our Saturday with me having to go into work - the Jefferson county dive team had time today (and not again for a while) to dive down into one of our lakes to figure out what has been blocking the pipe which would not flow after we replaced a valve. I was very cold while I watched these guys swimming around in the 45 degree water, but I learned that their suits had a protective layer of air that doesn't ever allow the water to touch their skin. Very cool. They did not seem cold - but they were down there for a very long time! Interestingly, these are the same divers who are called out to do search/rescue for people who go missing in water. They had some interesting stories, most of which will probably give me nightmares! They were using this as a training exercise.
After several hours of being under disgustingly dirty water, using a crow bar or 2 and a lot of very hard work, they were able to pull this contraption out of the pipe. This has apparently been in the pipe since 1978 when the lake was built - it definitely did its job -- but I am a little upset that nobody realized after all these years that there was a deficient pipe in place - this should have been discovered at the check out by either the state engineer or the watershed's engineer. It is a tire which had plywood bolted into it. Very effective, and it has lasted for years underwater. Next time I need a good plug, I guess I can make one like this!

I got home in time to have a nice visit with Uncle Jay and his new fiance. The kids were reasonably behaved, which is good for any time that Uncle Jay comes by!

More random - last weekend Preston went to a 4 wheeler birthday party for one of his best buddies. It was a father/son party, so Jim got to go 4 wheeling with Preston. The mom sent me this photo today, which I really like! Colin told me that I should have gone instead of Jim because "dad is a nervous Pervis and would drive too slow" (sorry Jim, I am just quoting here!) I did mention to Colin that these boys are 6 and probably any ride on a 4 wheeler is a good ride!

I was really looking forward to having time off, but now I am really looking forward to going back to work. We have been working like dogs around here! I almost have the little girls room finished....the only thing I am not finished with is hanging up their good clothes because I ran out of hangers. I cannot believe how long it took me to get that done!
Jim and the boys put floors in part of the attic which has never had floors before - and now we are in the middle of trying to re-arrange the stuff that has accumulated up there. I want the job done, but it is a huge undertaking. We are approximately halfway finished with it, and of course it has spread to the living room as we brought stuff down to sort through, so basically we have to finish it in order to get the living room back! I also have to paint the computer room in the basement and the hallway and I want to finish painting our room. Too many jobs and not enough entertainment for the baby! She has discovered how to move the baby gate and climb up the stairs, so I guess in the middle of getting all these projects done, it would be smart to teach her to go DOWN the stairs without falling.

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