Sunday, November 14, 2010


Harper started walking! During mass, we were given a survey to fill out. While I was reading it, I suddenly realized that she was walking down the aisle without holding on! She has been all over the house today on foot! Its funny how when they decide they can do it, they just go! She is such a little thing with such big determination! I tried really hard to upload a video of her first steps, but I just can not get it to work. I will see if I can get some help from Jim or one of the girls tomorrow. Technology is just not my thing!

We finally had some time to work on the little girl's "princess" room today. We got a lot done, but still have a long way to go for it to be done! Quincy is beyond excited and although she has been sleeping up there, it has been a pretty big mess, so it will be very nice to have that accomplished. Luckily I painted the room not long ago, so I don't have to do that!

The colder weather has not stopped Cam from declaring every Sunday "grilling day" - he made delicious pork burgers! All he has asked for this year for his birthday is a smoker -- I think that is awesome! I can already taste the smoked meats in my future!

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