Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holy 4-H day

Cameron was an acolyte at church this evening for the Holy Day. Maybe it was the effects of eating a can of whipped cream (which grandma gave him for an early birthday gift) but his acolyte training went right out the window tonight! Not that he did a terrible job, but 1/2 way through mass he (I found out later) discovered his smock was on inside out. This caused him to look at me and try to lip out what was wrong. This caused Mallory to give him some look which made him laugh. It was not appropriate and the other acolyte he was serving with almost smacked him (I could tell she wanted to). He also slammed the Bible shut and had a few other mishaps. Some of the ladies at church came up to me to comment on how much they enjoyed the show he put on. I was not so amused with him! Even though this was a day of obligation, the church was mostly empty, and I was greatful for that! He got a huge lecture to which he responded that he thought his job got a c+ rating. That is being mighty generous!
Jim took Madison and the little ones to the 4-H Christmas party. Madison could not miss it since she is the president and needed to run the meeting. Harper was not one bit amused or excited to see Santa! Madison told me she had been a perfect little lady until Santa showed up!

Since tomorrow is Cam's birthday, I stayed up late making his birthday treats. He made some cookie dough and for some reason he added green food coloring. He requested marshmallows be melted on top. When I got done, to me they looked like frogs so I added eyes and little smiles. I think they turned out kind of cute, even though it wasn't exactly what he asked for! That's ok though, because his behavior at church wasn't exactly what I asked for!

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