Monday, December 20, 2010

Turns out...

Turns out, that I was missing something (I KNEW it!). We totally forgot Colin's religion ed class on Sunday. We were getting ready for church when there was a knock on the door. My aunt Linda always takes Colin to RE for me and there she was - whoooops! Needless to say, he missed class since he was not dressed! But that seems to be the only thing, so maybe I was nervous for no reason! Not the worst thing that could happen I guess! We did have a nice weekend of being home!

Quincy's last day of preschool before break was today. She was the "snack bringer" with her teacher requesting healthy snacks for them. She was very excited to be going to a Christmas party and she even wore a dress and let Madison fix her hair!
In an attempt to be creative, but not too difficult, Madison, Quincy and I made these really cute olive penguins for Quincy's class. They were a bit time consuming, but not hard! Unfortunately since the belly is cream cheese they have to be refrigerated, and the preschool forgot to take them out of the refrigerator, so the preschoolers did not eat them. That is ok though, because Harper and Quincy LOVE, Love, love olives and they had a feast of them at lunch! I also gave one to Aunt Geraldine when she came over to do laundry!
We also made these snowmen out of ritz crackers (even though they were covered in white chocolate I called it a healthy snack because it has crackers and raisins!). The kids really liked them and Quincy and Harper ate the leftovers with their penguin lunch!

Harper figured out in a hurry that we were using olives yesterday, and I truly think she ate half a can by herself. Notice her pleading hands? It really makes me laugh to see this kid smacking her lips and begging for olives!

Mallory even made sure she got some with cream cheese on it! What a good big sister!

Christmas cooking is working out very well for her!
I also witnessed one of the funniest things this weekend - a true story of who is the boss around here! Colin had a couple of friends over to spend the night. When it was time for me to go to bed I sent Cam up to get the extra blankets off of Quincy's "fort" so that they could go to bed to (eventually). She woke up Saturday morning and realized that they were crashed out with the blankets from her fort. She was not pleased. She demanded "you go right now and put it back together!!" You should have seen these 7th grade boys literally running up the stairs to please her Majesty! The fort is back together and looks as good as ever! Never again will these particular boys come over here without their own blankets!

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