Wednesday, December 1, 2010

RE Crafts

Since tonight was the last time I would have my Religion Ed kids before Christmas, I decided I better make some sort of Christmas crafts with them. Last year, I had one of those cooperative little classes where you could do crafts, projects and all sorts of lessons and everything went smoothly, I also had an assistant teacher. This year, nosomuch. I only have 5 kids, but there are a couple that sometimes make it feel like 500, and I have no assistant teacher. My mom was nice enough to not only come up with craft ideas, but she volunteered to come over tonight and help me with the kids (thank you Miss Nancy). Last year, we made some nativity scenes out of foam that were really awesome, but that is way beyond what we could accomplish this year! I was pleased with what we did, and since I heard the kids excitedly telling their moms and dads that they had decorations for their trees, I think they were pleased too! My mom got treated to being told she looked like a man, and being told that the Jayhawks stink. I did remind my little buddy that these are not comments which would be pleasing to God! (Although I admit that I am not totally convinced about the Jayhawk part - God is surely a Wildcat). I was happy when I pulled out a coloring page with the Nativity Scene on it, they WERE able to tell me all the members of the Holy Family....something we have been struggling with. Now if I can just get their prayers drilled into their heads I will feel successful!

I was trying to take a picture of Harper walking around outside today - I like how she very gingerly walks in the yard, not quite knowing how to handle the crunchy leaves! It cracks me up! But she kept falling down. I also wanted to get a photo of this adorable coat that was obviously designed by someone who never had a kid. The coat is cute - but it has all these places that fold back. The hood, the sleeves....and it frustrates the heck out of Harper because the hood won't stay folded back and it covers up her eyes. It makes her absolutely furious! And the sleeves unfold and cover her hands and then there is an absolute screaming frenzy. I think the people who design baby clothes should have to spend a day with their designs on an actual child before they put them out on the market! Luckily, I did not pay any money for this coat, and I am lucky enough that this is not the only coat she owns! Maybe I should have learned to sew, then I might be able to tack this stuff back or something.
And of course, if you say you want a photo of Harper's coat, that automatically means you want a photo of Quincy's coat too right?
When I went to pick Quincy up from school today I was told she is a total hoot. Yea, I think I had an idea about that - what did she do? She told the teacher that a boy had kissed her. The teacher asked her "where did he kiss you?" and she responded with "in the kitchen!"
She had also mentioned to her teachers that she will be in the circus when she grows up and already knows how to juggle. I guess she then did a demonstration of her wonderful juggling skills and they said it was pretty amazing - especially when both balls hit her in the head at the same time!
Preston attended his first wrestling practice tonight. He was so excited before he left, so I couldn't wait to ask him how it went. He told me that they learned a stance and had to run a lot - and he got sweaty. Success?
One other question before I go to bed. Is anyone else totally freaked out by the Christmas decoration that is the light up reindeer which move their heads up and down? C-R-E-E-P-Y! That's all I am sayin'!

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