Yesterday was Mallory and Madison's 22nd birthday. Of course, Madison was not home, so we had to call and wish her all our best birthday wishes! Mallory was home, and she was maybe a little disappointed that she had to cook her own birthday dinner! She got what she wanted, but we were a little crazy yesterday, so she had to put in a little labor!
Both of these girls make me very proud! Madison is working her dream job, and doing something with her life that she is passionate about. She loves baking and spending her days covered in flour! I believe that she will continue to be very happy with her career choice. Mallory is almost finished with college, and has started applying for jobs. She has already been offered a job where she is student teaching, but she is keeping her options open. I love watching her planning her lessons and being so excited about it!
Mallory had to cook her own birthday dinner because Preston had a game last night. They decided that it would be Charger Family night at Carbondale, and they had the band play, let everyone in the games for free, and had some specials on dinner at the concession stand. Preston thought the band getting to play pep songs was neat. They did an excellent job!
Preston had a great game too! They lost by 3, but he played really well! Preston is #2 in white.
It has been kidfest at our house. We have had 6 living babies born since Tuesday. Rocky is doing great. I was amused when I took him outside yesterday and realized he is the same size as our cat! The other does have done a good job cleaning and accepting their babies. Quincy begged to stay home yesterday. We allowed her to because I really and truly believe that the best lessons are taught in the barn. It was a good day to stay home too because we had 2 sets of twins born and she assisted in the first one's delivery. Not everyone will agree with letting kids skip a day of school, but she is so invested in these critters. She would like to be a vet or have some career in that area. She does such a good job, it really makes me proud of her. I will also say I am thankful and our life is abundantly blessed.
Rocky is doing amazing. I can honestly say his being alive is nothing short of a miracle. Because the kids are so emotionally invested, we have explored some options for him which do not include becoming someone's dinner. Yes, I now these are meat goats, and I know there is a market for it, and I know you don't do business to lose money, and I know that we can't keep them all! I have made arrangements for this guy to go live with Landrie's family. They are planning to raise him and then keep him as their herd billy. He has good genetics and it helps their family as well as saving him from being a goat roast. My kids are thrilled, her kids are thrilled, it is really a win-win! He is the sweetest thing ever! I hope he leads a very long, happy life!
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