Friday, August 11, 2023

Finallllyyyy Friday!

When I started this week out, I was just relieved to be finished with the fair stuff, have less animals to feed, and maybe get to enjoy some down time with the kids before school starts.  I had planned to get everything done at home, make lists for school shopping excursions, maybe do some actual cooking since we were all sandwiched to death last week, and squeeze in our annual lake day.  I was a delusional idiot.  This week took on a life of its own, and I still don't even know what happened!

I did get to spend an entire day with my sweet granddaughters.  I can't say I didn't enjoy it!  Madison had to take a defensive driving class for her new job.  Evie was happy to hang with me.  The jury is still out on if Wrenley is a fan of mine or not.  Ha!  She gave me a lot of looks like this!  She did not cry at all -- not even once...she fusses a little to be fed, but no crying or sadness from her.  I think we will be besties in no time!  Her facial expressions sort of send the message that she thinks I am a weirdo though!  I loved spending a day snuggling with her.  She is an absolute joy!  Madison got there to pick the girls up at the same time as Jim came home from work.  He was happy to get to see them for a little bit, but I had to distract him from the fact that I did absolutely nothing the entire day except play with the girls by taking him to get groceries and out for dinner!  I did manage to get a lot done at work, since Saige went along and took Evelyn to the city park for a while, and then entertained her for me!  She was a ton of help!  After work, we just played, snuggled, and Quincy and Harper took Evie out to the pool  I appreciate all of their help.  I am definitely out of practice with little ones - when I got in bed, I crashed!  :)  

Other things kept cropping up this week that I didn't plan.  The bus boss called and asked me if I could drive the new district teachers around to tour all the district's buildings.  He thought it would take about an hour, or maybe a little bit longer.  I like to help when I can, so I agreed.  Mallory - don't read this part.  I forgot that when teachers are involved, nothing will go like you plan.  They are seriously on their own little time schedule.  I was told to be there at 8:30 - they didn't come out until 9.  I was told at each stop it would be 15 minutes.  It was at least 1/2 an hour.  I spent the whole morning doing what could have been done in a little over an hour.  I also spent the whole morning being thankful that I drive around kids and not teachers/administrators because I would be leaving them.  I also had a recollection of my father-in-law telling me that if you want to see the most insane display of accomplishing nothing to attend a school board meeting.  haha!  Added to the fact that when I got back, my boss catches me and asks me to please make him a list of kids who ride my bus, with their addresses and phone numbers because they cannot extract the data they collected during enrollment off of their system, and I am seriously wondering how these people function. Sorry Mallory, I know you aren't all to blame!  :)   Today, I will be picking up my bus for school starting next week, maybe I am just extra grouchy that summer is ending and there is nothing I can do to slow down time.  
Preston took off for Oklahoma with his friends on a "senior trip."  I gave him a couple of talks about it, including the "tattoos are forever - so choose wisely" one that I failed to give Colin before his senior trip.  Love you Colin, but it is a good example of what not to do!  :)  Speaking of Preston, I am still trying to prepare for him moving. I have been stock piling stuff for him to take, we got his laptop (graduation gift) ordered.  I wanted to take care of it a while back, but he is a procrastinator who loses track of time, like his momma.  We dodged a bullet when we ordered it, they said it would be shipped from the manufacturer, and then we got an email saying they were back ordered, and it would be a couple of weeks.  The problem is that we had a pretty specific set of parameters we were looking at.  Spencer gave us some great advice about running the software for engineering and made some recommendations about what to buy.  I am thankful for her guidance.  It was easy to select one, since we had pretty specific things we were looking for, but the back order was not in the plan.  I was pleasantly surprised when it arrived the next day.  I am not sure what happened there, but happy about it nonetheless.  My happiness was short lived when I went grocery shopping with Jim last night and was picking up a few things that I know Preston likes having around, then it sort of hit me that he won't really be around to shop for.  Choking up in the dairy aisle anyone?  Luckily, my sadness was short lived, as I married a giant dork who was excited by the grocery store music selection and likes to sing all the wrong words.  I may be missing one child, but the giant one will never grow up!  

Coco got his feet trimmed this morning.  An appointment I made weeks ago and forgot about.  Since we were out and playing, he also got brushed down good and got his wormer!  He seemed happy about it!  I love this little pony.  He is a sweet boy!  Notice how his diet is going?  He looks very svelte and fit now!  :)  
This weekend is looking like a bit of a train wreck, but we are going to try hard!  I hope next week to accomplish the things I didn't get to do this week!  I will probably be disappointed, but all I can do is keep trying!  

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