Thursday, September 26, 2024

My little fiasco((s)

Hey Hope- how’s it going?  You want a project?   
Of course I do!   
Meet Dwight.  He is a kitten that was abandoned.  I got him from Amy.   I think he’s adorable and sweet.  I thought he could be a barn cat.   Unfortunately, he is much smaller than I originally thought and needs to be syringe fed.  I have done this a number of times, and I believe he will be fine and grow up to be a very sweet boy.  (Or possibly a very sweet girl).   The bad news is that he will always be too tame (and thus too dumb) to be a barn cat.  So when I get done syringe feeding him, I will then be searching for a house cat home for him.  Where will I find a house cat home?  No idea.  It’s just part of the project.  For now, he is my widdle baby.  He’s eating well, extremely loud and a tiny bit bipolar (hissing and spitting when I come near, but then purring when I feed him).  

The girls helped me hang up my grim reaper.  I haven’t put the batteries in yet but I am excited to see how spooky he is in the dark! 

Today Saige is sick, and we will be going to the pediatrician in one city.  Of course this falls on the same day that Harper has an eye Dr appointment in a different city.  Harper’s eye doctor -the one  that is a hard to get into, a pediatric eye doctor and you make the appointment a year out because she is so busy.  Thank God Jim and I have mastered the old divide and conquer.  Saige is having symptoms of pneumonia.  Maybe I’m panicking prematurely, but honesty she’s been sick long enough at this point I think we are just to a place a doctor should look at her.  

I love how rotten this nugget is.  When we are in line with the buses, waiting for kids I have to go say hi.  When she sees me she immediately starts throwing her stuff out so I can pick it up for her.  Then she holds up her feet so I can tickle her toes.   Then shakes her finger at me and tells me “no no.”  It is s whole thing we got going. It makes my day.  

I am thankful for the rain that we have been getting.  Things were pretty dry!  It has been nice to take a break from watering!  And if you see a rainbow, you must take a photo - it is a rule. 

**Updated to report that after seeing the doctor, Saige does not have pneumonia (thankfully).  They think her chest is sore due to her cough.  Whatever she has, it is a nasty little virus.  I heard a lot of people seem to be sick right now.  Luckily, I just got a new bottle of clorox clean up and will be sanitizing the house after work today!  I am sure everything will be fine!  Here is hoping nobody else gets sick!


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hoco week


I am super happy with the rose bush project - they are growing despite having been planted at the wrong time.  I am continuing to water and feed them.  They look awesome and are even blooming!  They seem happy and I love how they look!  Time will tell if they had enough time to get established before winter, but at this point, I feel like they will be ok!  I certainly hope so because they are just so pretty!

I also planted some know, to soften up my sign.  I know we live in the wrong place to start throwing out political signs, but this election seems to hold a little more importance than most in my lifetime have.  I know exactly when I started following politics.  I was in the 3rd grade, and voted for Ronald Reagan in a mock election.  I proudly told my parents.  My dad gave me a 2 hour lecture about civic responsibility, and from there I have just been fascinated by the process.  I have voted in every election since I was old enough.  I have enjoyed arguing politics with people, we have had some great debates over the years.  I have been able to see both sides of most things, and I can even understand why you would want conservatives in office.  But I cannot understand why anyone who has been paying even an iota of attention would vote republican currently.  Am I going to lose friends for this?  I doubt it.  I am a grown up.  I can disagree with you and still love you.

Anyway, driveway garden is one of the things that currently makes me happy.  Yes, I did dig and plant these mums by myself.  Yes, it was probably overdoing it, and yes I was careful.  I am sick of being down, and decided it is time to start doing some stuff.  I was told not to take my arm away from my body.  Guess what?  you can use a shovel and still keep your arm tucked.  

I had a little bit of a harder time with my gate ghost, but I got it done too.  I can't wait for Evelyn to see it this weekend!  

This week is also homecoming week on the Trail.  The kids are having fun with theme days - today is Pajama Day.  Personally, I hate homecoming week.  At least the part where they try to include the little kids.  The little ones have zero idea what homecoming is, and what they are celebrating.  It literally just gets them all stirred up.  My bus kids were over the top insane.  I had bad kids everywhere the last 2 days!  Of course, I also have Harper, who thinks it is dumb, and is dreading the parade, the game and all the royalty activities.  I am also on a countdown to ridding myself of this sling, so maybe this week is going slow with that added in there as well!  Or maybe I am old and grouchy.  Who knows - the girls look pretty cute in their PJ's right?  

Monday, September 23, 2024

Weekend fun

Cameron bought himself a car.   This was not a process he took lightly, or a commitment he didn’t think through.  He has been seriously in need of a new or different car for about 3 years.  His car finally bit the dust permanently about a month ago.  He has been driving “Ethel” - Quincy’s spare car that she graciously loaned him.   Since he saved money by driving to Lawrence for this purchase, I told him to come down for dinner and we would run help him since he had 2 cars in town.  Preston and Quincy were both home, so the girls came out and we made some grilled food and had dinner.  We almost got to see all our kids - just missed Colin. We also missed Spencer, Lauren and Sunny.  Hoping we can catch them soon!  

It was fun to have most of the kids home for a little while.  I enjoy listening to them all talking about how things are going, and supporting each other.  If I do nothing else in my life, having my kids love each other seems like success.  

Harper and I worked at her first CWF fundraiser, parking cars.   We lucked out weather wise, and it was cloudy but not raining, there was a breeze even though it was pretty warm.   I have worked this event several times now, and I don’t think yesterday was quite as busy as it has been in the past, although we did have a lot of cars to park.  I have mixed emotions about this fundraiser.  On one hand, I don’t have to sell anything to anyone. It is all just a time investment.  On the other hand, it is a lot of standing, people can be somewhat rude, and by the time it is over, I am always more than ready to be out of there.    I decided I’m having a little count down.  I have worked there 9 times.  I have 3 more times to go.  I want to see all of my kids take this trip (even the reluctant ones who don't really want to).  Ahhh goals.  I think seeing the nation's capitol, learning some stuff about how the government works, and getting to take a trip with a bunch of other kids is a great opportunity! 

Despite having dinner on Saturday night, with the weather cooling off, we decided to have soup night on Sunday.  The girls came out.  Andrew and Madison and Mallory helped Jim get the cover on the pool.  We will still need to pull the skimmer apart, but I feel like this is something Jim and I can handle.  I definitely cannot handle pulling things right now.  I am glad we got the cover on before most of the leaves fall, but the water was pretty green just from lack of me getting in there to clean things and sort of skipping out on adding chemical.  I can get it taken care of in the spring.  It will be ok.  I am always sad to close up the pool though, lack of sun and days hanging out with the kids is a sad thing.  I was amused at Evelyn yesterday.  She came and sat with me, and told me that kindergarten isn't really that fun.  She would rather come to my office and hang out with me.  I would rather that be what we are doing too kid!  I do miss her chattering at me while I work!  My office is just a tad too quiet!  Sort of.  We still have those weekly FEMA meetings to keep me company!  haha!


Friday, September 20, 2024

How to survive a volcano

This week has been one that made me feel like I was drowning in a pool of ridiculousness.  It just keeps giving   Part of it is just the time of year that it is.  I work for a couple of government entities. It is budget time. Hearings and revenue neutral rates and insane, ever-changing regulations.  Seriously- the small entities are NOT the problem when it comes to abusive spending, reckless use of funds, and lavish, gross payoffs.  But that didn’t stop them from putting insane laws in place to try to control what we can do.  Honesty, these laws won’t do much to stop folks from cheating the system, you just have to jump through more hoops to do it.  But I digress. The budget junk makes my brain hurt. But we also added in a FEMA claim, and a rehab project. I sort of also think I am just generally annoyed at the fact that my shoulder isn’t healed yet.  Is that crazy?  Yes.  I realize it is.  But I just don’t do laid up well.  Yes I would like some cheese with my whine.   
Amongst the insanity and healing, a couple of people have come bearing gifts.  My friend Adreinne got me the cutest little witch in a bath tub.  I adore her!  I absolutely love the frog in her water!  So cute!  My mom brought me a witch pinwheel. It is sparkly and amazing.  I love them both!   Also, I found in my purse, a gift card that my sister gave us for Christmas, so Jim and I had a nice lunch at the bar - for free!  Thanks Amy!  

So things aren’t bad, just crazy busy and impatient.  
But I am getting there.  Yesterday, for the first time since surgery I wore my bra correctly.  I was also sorry later, but you have to start somewhere right? 
I am also very thankful that the local nursing home has put in a rehab center and I have been able to get my therapy set up locally.  It doesn’t start for another month because this whole process is SLOW- but- local is amazing.    They are a tremendous asset to our community.  Not just because they have an amazing facility (actually award winning for the care of their residents), but also because of their commitment to the community as a whole.  I could go on and on, but it is enough to just say I am thankful for them.  

Also, because I am on bus para duty, and not driving, I get to spend my mornings at home with the family.  I like driving Harper and Saige to school, and we like looking at the sunrise as we go.  
This week, Saige informed me that they learned how to survive a volcano in one of her classes.  I rolled my eyes a little because I would rather they teach the kids how their government works, or some history.  I don't think we necessarily need volcano advice!  But then I got to thinking maybe the information might come in handy someday.  Just because she lives where there aren't volcanos now, doesn't mean she won't need it someday....and anything you learn could potentially come in handy right?  Learning stuff isn't bad.  Public school isn't all bad.  I do strongly believe that public school needs to be supplemented by parents with other things that they can't possibly teach in the limited amount of time they have, and the ever-changing requirements that the state forces on them.  So we try hard to teach the kids about history, and about science, and take them places so they experience the world a little bit.  And life is a little bit like a volcano - erupting around us when we least expect it.  Or at least that is how this week has been.   

As for me, I want to learn to survive the volcano, because after the smoke clears, and the craziness calms, life is pretty dang good.  We have a lot to be thankful for.  


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

mid-week thoughts

Not much excitement going on means I have to use other people’s photos.  Madison is good at sending us lots of Wrenley Kay updates.   Of course, when you are a rip snorting, face making, ornery, on the go, get into everything baby, it is funny to capture those moments.   Forever thankful that they left Arizona.  

Evelyn tells me she likes kindergarten.  The best parts are eating school lunch, recess, and PE!  

My best girl is aging and slowing down.  She’s still the best girl.  I am always going to be thankful to her for showing my kids what owning a good dog feels like.  

Work has been interesting lately.   I have zero idea how long it is going to take to unravel some of the current messes.   At least there’s job security I guess.  

One thing I am thankful for it that my boss allowed me to get part of my paycheck by riding the bus as the bus para.   One thing I never really want to do again is be a bus para.  I have learned I don’t really want to know what they are doing back there, and I certainly don’t want to hear what they are saying.   I haul 5-6 grade children - that age is beyond awkward.  Some know too much.  Some know nothing.   Please, I beg of you - talk to your children so they aren’t learning the things you should have taught them by now on a bus.  Let’s just say that facts are skewed, and things do NOT work like that.  

I think Lauren loves her job.  I also think she works her a$$ off at her job.  I’m so proud of her!   I see you girl- I know you’re working hard! 
Cameron working at a bank makes for some fun stories.  I get a kick out of his weekly series “guess what some dumb dude said this time?!?”   


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekend weirdness


Ok this has been a weird weekend  Not everything has been weird, but enough weird to leave your brain thinking.  
Madison and Andrew’s friends had their wedding Saturday.  Madison was a bridesmaid, Andrew was the best man, Evie and Wrenley were flower girls.  They had the wedding in a hall where it is utilized on Friday nights, so they had to help set up the wedding Saturday morning early, then get their hair done, make up done and be ready for pictures.  Mallory stepped in to help.   She kept the girls so they didn’t have to get drug around all day, got them ready and met up with everyone for the pictures.  Then stayed for the wedding and held Wrenley after she was brought in via wagon.  Mallory and Madison sent me some amazing photos from the wedding, and I love them. 
Mallory did call early Saturday morning.  She wanted to know if she could come out here to shower and we could help watch Wrenley so she didn’t get into anything while Mallory  was occupied.  I ended up making breakfast and hanging out with the girls for a bit.  Jim decided to take a nap after they left, and I decided he is a genius sometimes.  I tried to lay in bed, which up until now I had not done.  It is a tad uncomfortable from a pulling and pressure standpoint.  Back to the recliner I went.  The girls helped me with a few cleaning tasks and then Jim went out to work in the yard, Saige hung out with him.  Harper and I ran to my favorite grocery store, Checkers.  As we were driving to Lawrence we were discussing several psychics predicting aliens invading or coming to earth this weekend and joking around about it.  As we rounded the corner to go toward the store, about 10 police cars were screaming down the street.  They whipped U turns in front of us, blocking the street off. They then all started drawing their guns and running toward this church.  We were torn between sitting there to see what was going on, or getting the heck out of there.  Harper and I wondered if it was ET!  I love Lawrence, I think the lower crime rate, the more liberal attitude, and the cleanliness of the city appeal to me.  Rarely do they have crime, even with the university in the middle of the city.  What crime they do have doesn't seem to be violent crime, and maybe I am wrong, but I generally feel fairly safe there.  The other thing is, that there are no real major news media outlets there, so nothing from there really ever gets reported outside of town.  Kansas City news reports on KC, Topeka reports on Topeka, nobody reports Lawrence.  Finding out what was going on was not really possible.  We did see some questions asked on the police facebook page, but it didn't really answer the questions we had.  We had hoped aliens had descended upon the town, but it seems that wasn't the issue.

After the wedding, Evelyn decided she wanted to stay for the dance.  I understand she had a great time dancing with her daddy!

Wrenley was done with dresses, dancing, weddings, people and being contained.  She spent another night at Aunt Mal's where she was finally fed something!  She was hangry.  Girl likes to be naked and fed.  Is that really asking too much?  

On the way home from getting groceries, Harper and I ran across  this timber rattler.  It was laying on the side of the road.  It did not even attempt to move when we stopped the car to take photos of it (out the window because we aren't stupid, or fast).  I believe it was a juvenile, about 2 feet long.  Much shorter than the big guy who lives at the end of the driveway, although I wondered if it might be his baby.  And no, I did not kill it.  I see no reason to.  It was just out there living its life, who am I to run it over for no reason?  Now, if it was in my garage (which we have had) or right outside my door, which has happened, then yes, I might consider it.  The ones who stay away from the house, I leave to live their lives.  They are protected, so killing them is illegal anyway.  I have seen enough dead ones on the roads around here to know that not all of my neighbors agree with me.  

Madison and Mallory were going to attend the garden glow at Ward Meade park tonight. Harper, Saige and I decided to tag along.  We went a little early, and had dinner at Sonic.  We had nice seats in their play ground area, and the girls played some while we waited for our food.   We then went over to the garden glow....where we found zero people, zero lights, zero park officials, zero everything.  We started looking online and realized the stuff we were looking at was from last year!  So we just walked around the park a little bit, took a few pictures, directed by Evie.....she wanted pictures of everything there!  We were all ok, nobody died of disappointment.   

The kids have tomorrow off from school.  I can't keep up with all the reasons they have days off, but I am glad, as this weekend has been busy, and weird, and I am glad I don't have to get up quite as early!  Harper and Saige have been given their assignments, and they will work on it while Jim and I are at work.  I am also thankful that I feel better than I did last weekend.  My pain level is easily managed now with occasional Advil or Tylenol, or an ice pack.  Occasionally, I forget and try to reach for stuff, which hurts, but it isn't anywhere near the level of pain I had before the surgery when the shoulder would separate and be out of the socket.  
This upcoming week is a little bit crazy, but I feel like we are ready for it!  I just hope the weirdness sort of dies down.  I could do an alien invasion on the weekend, but during the week?  Nah.