Saturday, September 14, 2024

Little things


Had a post-surgery check up.  They took my staples all out, did x-rays and said things look good.  Then told me I must wear this sling/keep my shoulder on minimal use until 10-16.    That was a bit depressing, as it was longer than I thought, however the last week was somewhat brutal, and I have zero interest in repeating surgery, so I am truly trying to be good/follow directions.  Jim, as always had to talk me off the ledge, reminding me that we have made it this far, and that things will work out.  Then, being the true nurse that he is, took me to Taco John’s for tat-olae’s.  He knows how to calm me down.  Throw me down a rabbit hole of nostalgia and happy times.   Of course he had to listen to all the stories, so the jokes on him. 

Yesterday we celebrated Friday the 13th in style.  My friend Wade made sure I was adequately dressed.  

Colin and Spencer, Cameron and Lauren and Gavin all ran to Manhattan to see Preston and watch the Cats play.  Lauren and Cameron sent me lots of photos.   I know Preston was excited they were coming down.  

I bought a little ficus on a clearance table.   It looked like it would die any minute.   I named him Ron and put him in my office collection.  Yesterday, I noticed he no longer looks like he is going to die.  I think he is really beautiful.   

We jumped on Madison’s bus to see the nugget.  She is the best blend of easy going and ornery.  

Madison and Andrew are both in a wedding this weekend. Evie is the flower girl as well.  Mallory jumped in to help. The girls were going to spend the night with her.  We took them all to the game to watch Auntie Harper in her first game performance in the marching band. (Jim went to watch the football game as well, but we won’t lie and say we watched the game).  We got to sit with auntie Dusty and her girls.  It has been a while since I had a chance to visit with her and, as always I was happy to have someone who also likes to talk through the game.  We also had all the snacks - Wrenley was on cloud 9 with a fist full of sugar on each side.   

Hello ladies.  I’m so glad you had a fun night together. 

Harper is in here if you look hard.  She plays the flute.  The band sounded great and I enjoyed watching their performance.  

She did come up and see the girls for a minute after halftime.  She may have been lured there by promises of a coke, but whatever.   

This weekend is one of moving slowly, bit catching things up.  We need to get groceries, but other than that and church we are sticking around the casa.   I have a couple of projects I think I can handle with one arm.  We just need a little down time and I am thankful the weekend arrived.  

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