Sunday, September 29, 2024

Another day- another parade!

Yesterday was the Carbondale Fun Fest.  Over the years, I have sort of made fun of this event, calling it the suck-fest.  It is definitely not my favorite thing to attend, but Harper's band had to march in the parade, and the girls were going, so it was a good evening to pick up candy, watch Harper, and see the grandkids!

This picture is for Quincy - who spotted this car once and told me it was her dream car!  Look Quincy - it runs, and is parade worthy!
And I am just going to say - yes, I know small towns are weird.  Every event has to have a parade.  And none of the parades are really good....but the fun fest parade is literally every person in town who has a car lined up driving down the street, throwing insane amounts of candy out the window.  Some of them don't even wash the vehicle.  And then the kids on the street go insane flying out in the road to grab candy, while the parents sit there half drunk laughing about how "they gonna get run over someday..." like that isn't totally preventable.  But that is just my opinion on it. 

The band sounded amazing.  This was completely out of Harper's comfort zone - in the last 2 days she has had 2 parades, a halftime performance, a couple pep rallies, and getting out of the house on a Saturday!  She was NOT happy about it.  It did help her though, as starting with her class, every child who wants to graduate has to have 40 hours of community service.  They gave her 2 of her hours yesterday!  Only 38 to go!  
And because Jim and I are exceptionally cruel people, we also took her out for dinner, and forced her to go shopping with us.  She nearly collapsed, but she made it through! 
I am proud of her for sticking it out.

And any day I get to hang out with these nugget heads is a good day!  


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